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"I don't want to go!" the 17-year-old growled, arms crossed and a deep frown in disagreement. "I had already made plans with my friends, and..."

"Seokjin!" his father scolded him. "We are your parents" he reminded him, sounding sharp. "And, as long as you're a minor, you're going to obey the rules of this house" Seokjin snorted loudly though his nose, ready to continue rebutting. "You're going with us to Busan, whether you like it or not"

"You need to get out here, and spend some time away from those friends you have" his mother joined, sitting on the sofa, looking worried. "They're not doing you good... they're influencing you badly"

"I'm old enough to know who I can or can't hang out with, don't you think?" he challenged them, giving them a sharp look. "I'm not a child!"

"Well, you're being one right now!" his father faced him, pointing in a dismissive gesture. "We'll leave tomorrow and we won't talk about it anymore" he continued, at the minor's annoyed expression. "I want you up at seven in the morning, with your suitcase and the best disposition to spend a family vacation"

"Yes, of course" he muttered between his teeth, going up to his room, stepping firmly on each step.

Kim Seokjin wasn't in the mood to get away from his friends, let alone put up with his tedious parents, who seemed desperately looking for ways to make up for his disinterest in him during childhood. What was not don in his time could no longer be rectified, or that was the adolescent's thought. It was his parents' fault to close in on himself, prioritizing their respective jobs and leaving him in the care of different nannies who couldn't give him the support of affection that his parents should provide him. Now, the damage was done and there wasn't much to remedy. He didn't feel a close bond with them and that would not change even with a trip, nor with expensive gifts from them. Seokjin refused to accept his unconscious vague apology.

That same night, the boy threw a suitcase on the bed. Reluctantly, he tossed his messy clothing at t. he did not have the slightest intention of living as a family, nor going into the sea, so he took out his usual clothes. He wouldn't wear flower-patterned shorts or colorful sandals. No, he would be the same one from the big city.

Seokjin left the room, intending to pick up some things from the bathroom, when the murmurs coming from his parents aroused his curiosity. The house was under a silent blanket of darkness, heightening the sound of their voices, allowing him to hear just by pressing his ear lightly to the door.

"I thought he would become a delinquent..." he heard his mother say. "When he started hanging out with those vulgar brats" his tone of voice was heavy with disgust and Seokjin could feel it through the door. He pursed his lips, annoyed with her comments. "And I don't quite understand why... I mean, we live in a good sector, we have a certain social stratum, but Jinnie ends up as a friend, with those marginals"

"Honey, it will sound a bit exaggerated..." the deep voice of his father was heard. "But I prefer a thousand times that he becomes a juvenile delinquent, that a fag"

His father's statement felt like a direct blow to his chest. What the hell were his parents talking about him ad why? He thought, alarmed.

"I'm still surprised by what Mrs. Han told me" Seokjin's frightened heart pounded against his chest. He was lost if his neighbor had seen him in something weird. "That pair of brats, making out... Ugh! And in broad daylight" his mother definitely couldn't be talking about him, because Seokjin wasn't messing around with his friends, not yet. "How can Jin get together with people like that, so lost? Can you imagine that they end up turning him into a deviant like them? I wouldn't stand it"

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