chapter three

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"Our life always expresses the result of our dominate thoughts."
-Soren Kierkegaard

I woke up the next morning with a slight headache. I rubbed my temples to ease some of the tension away, but it only worked for a few seconds before it was back to the slight pounding.

I flipped my feet over the side of my bed and walked into my bathroom. I grabbed my bottle of aspirin from behind the mirror and swallowed them whole. I used the toilet and immediately got in the shower, hoping the hot water would aide the pills for my headache.

I'm so happy it's the weekend because I can stay in this shower for however long I want without worrying about being at work on time.

After forty-five minutes of the soothing hot water, I turned it off and got out. I wrapped myself up in a towel and walked into my room and sat on the bed. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and looked at the things in my notification bar. I had several text messages, a few phone calls, a lot of emails from different people for different things, and so much more.

I cleared everything and went to my Pandora account and switched to my Old School radio. Before long, Monica's Why I Love You So Much? was blasting through my surround sound speakers.

I got up, singing, and dried myself off. I put on my under garments along with my hygiene materials, and walked to my closet to find me something to wear for the day. I chose a pair of frayed blue jean shorts, a black sleeveless shirt with ᏔᏆᏞᎠ & FᎡᎬᎬ on the front, and some brown sandals. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and walked down my stairs.

I walked into the living room and heard Drew playing on the XBox with Kevin and my sister in the kitchen on the phone.

"Chase, I'm not coming back, so please leave me alone... No, that bitch got what she deserved. I left you so you could be with your wife, and she got mad cause she wasn't your first priority, so she tried to fight me over it. I told her I wasn't fighting over you, and she threw the first lick. I popped that bitch dead in her throat when she ran up. I wasn't going to just let that heffa hit me... Chase, listen, she got what she deserved for putting her hands on me. I'm done with the situation, leave me alone."

I stood in the doorway and laughed as Teagan aggressively hung up her phone. She turned to look at me with a pout on her face. I stopped laughing and stuck out my bottom lip.

"That shit is not funny, Mel. He really trying to get me to tell this bitch I'm sorry. Uh, no, sir. I'm Teagan Peterson, and I be damned if I tell her I'M sorry for HER running up on ME," Teagan said as she sat down at the island.

I just laughed and walked to my refrigerator. I grabbed me some strawberries and some whipped cream and sat down at the table. I opened the container of strawberries and popped one in my mouth, spraying the whipped cream on top.

After about my 4th one, I turned to look at Teagan and she had her face scrunched up at me.

"What?" I asked with a mouth full of my 5th strawberry. I sprayed the whipped cream in my mouth and looked back at Teagan.

"That is what's wrong. You acting like a real dude right now," Teagan retorted as she walked over to me. She grabbed the strawberries and cream and stuffed them back into my refrigerator.

"Teagan, I was eating that," I whined as she closed the refrigerator.

"And? You gone fight me?"

I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room with Drew and Kevin.

"Good morning, Mommy," Kevin cheered as I sat down on the floor next to him.

"Hey, baby," I said as I kissed his forehead. I leaned over and kissed Drew's cheek as well.

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