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Faint footsteps can be heard from the council president who was dragging his body to take a seat on a bench right after he left the office. He got unreadable expression was written on his face as the omega got the paper of the previous quiz also with his marks written on the front page with red inked pen in his hands.

The council president passed the exam successfully but he doesn't feel anything. There is no spark in him to make him excited or happy with the result.

In fact he already lost his spark ages ago.

Jimin stared blankly over the floor while hanging his head low. He already lose count how many times a sigh escaped from his mouth.

"Why do I feel like this?" The omega asked himself.

His eyes once again landed on the paper as he traced the marks with the tip of his fingers. This had caused Jimin to get deja vu, he remembered the old days where he excitedly return home with his exam results to show them to his parents but none of them care.

"I got number one in my class!"

They will simply nodded their heads and dismissed him, leaving the poor boy to have low self esteem. The same thing repeated until he reached high school, he no longer mind to call his parents to come to his report card day. He often listening to his friends that their parents do a lot of affectionate things with them and Jimin could not help himself from being jealous. He wanted to get pampered by his parents too but he doesn't raised like that.

The council president shook his head to get rid of the memory as he cupped his face into his palms. Finally realised that he was crying all these time.

"I shouldn't have cried." Jimin could hear is own voice is being muffled into both of his palms.

Tearing up now is no use. Everything is already happening and cannot change the past.

The omega sniffed softly as he brushed off his tears. A second later his ears were alarmed with sound of people talking in distance. Jimin felt his breath hitched as his swollen eyes widen in horror, he doesn't want anyone to catch him in this kind of condition.

He then stood from his seat, trying to run away from the hallway but suddenly students kept on pouring the way. Jimin was a little panic as he took a couple of deep breath to calm down his racing heart under his rib cage.

"Baby chick?"

Jimin flinched once he heard the familiar nickname. He refused to turn around but more students were about to walk pass him. The omega wanted to hide.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook asked gently once he moved to stand in front of the council president.

The taller male was a little taken aback when he noticed Jimin's swollen eyes and tears were running his face. This had caused Jimin to turn around to back facing him but Jungkook pulled his hand and brought him into his warm embrace, securing him in his arms.

"Shh, it's okay I'm here." Jungkook whispered to his ear while he brought Jimin's head to rest on his shoulder.

Jimin clenched his fists. His hands are itchy to hug the taller male back but they are in public, he cannot effort being the main topic of everyone's conversation.

Meanwhile, Jungkook comfortably wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist. The omega fit in his arms like a piece of puzzle and Jungkook found it cute.

"I don't want to be here." Jimin muttered after a while.

He believed that most of the students must spare them a glance which is true. The council president then shifted uncomfortably in Jungkook's arms when he felt a lot pair of eyes were looking at his direction.

"What are you looking at?! Get loss!" Jimin heard the taller male shooed the other students away.

The football captain managed to scare the students away and no more murmuring sound can be heard in the hallway. Jimin sighed in relief as he parted away slightly from the taller male and peeked at his surroundings.

It's empty.

"Let's go somewhere else." Jungkook decided while unzipping his hoodie and took it off, leaving only a plain black shirt that match with his pants on his body.

Jimin watched the taller male with confusion was written on his face. Jungkook did not say anything either as he simply put his hoodie on Jimin cover his head with the hood, preventing his swollen face to be exposed.

"Perfect." He then dragged Jimin to the place only god knows where. "Council room?" Jimin raised his eyebrows when he noticed the alpha brought him to the familiar door and get inside without saying anything.

They got inside the room but Jimin immediately got pushed against the door making his back landed flat against the wooden material. A sharp gasp escaped from his mouth in surprise as the council president peeked to look at Jungkook from under the hood.

The taller male trapped him in between his strong arms and their gap between them is almost non existent to the point that Jimin could smell Jungkook's rich scent.


"Are you hurt?" Jungkook cut him off before Jimin could say anything out of his mouth.

The council president shook his head at the question without looking at other male. He does not want Jungkook to see his swollen face turning red.

Jungkook only raised his eyebrows. "Then, did you got bullied? Give me the name and I will make sure—"

"It's seriously nothing! You don't have to worry!" This time Jimin decided to cut him off making the alpha immediately shut his mouth with a frown.

"Of course I will get worried! I care about you!" Jimin swore that he felt his heart beat just increased ten times faster than before. "I love you remember?"

His eyes moisten once again and Jimin began to look away from the taller male who stood in front of him. The omega also took a couple of deep breath to calm himself down but a hand already cupped half of his face with a thumb brushing away his tears.

"It's okay." Jungkook assured him.

"You're too much for me." Jimin sobbed. "I'm scared if you are just playing with my feelings and then you disappear the next day." The omega continued.

"Fucking hell, Park Jimin." Jungkook sighed while his eyes soften looking at the crying omega.

He then took out something from his backpack which seemed to be a wallet and Jimin tilted his head a little while frowning at the football captain. Jeon Jungkook is indeed full of surprises which Jimin already learned a long time ago. His eyes caught a glimpse of Jungkook holding something that looked like a rectangle shape.

"This is my guitar pick, the most favourite one." The alpha explained before taking Jimin's hand and put it in the council president's palm which had caught Jimin off guard for the first few seconds . "It's all yours now just like my heart that you stole a long time ago."

"I don't even know how to play a guitar." Jimin shook his head and tried to return the guitar pick but Jungkook only pushed his hand away carefully.

"If that so you can wear it as necklace maybe?" The taller male shrugged his broad shoulders at his own idea.

The council president pouted his lips as he checked the guitar pick back and forth. He was indeed falling in love with the gold design on the black guitar pick. It doesn't take a long time for him to noticed a few letters were engraved elegantly with gold color at the back.

"J.J.K." Jimin mumbled and his fingers automatically traced over the alphabet in silence.

"From today on, you're going to carry my name around." Jungkook winked playfully at the council president who just rolled his eyes despite of how bad they are swelling at the moment. "In your dream." Jimin replied.

Jungkook scoffed and looked at the omega in disbelief before a laughter escaped from his mouth when Jimin stuck his tongue out. Now, a smile took over his face as Jungkook hold each sides of Jimin's face and plant a long peck on his forehead. This had caused Jimin to freeze, his breath hitched in his throat while his face is getting hotter by each passing seconds.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin scolded the other male who was still holding his face. "What?" Jungkook laughed.

My idiot [Jikook / Kookmin ff]Where stories live. Discover now