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Everything is Wonwoo's fault.

If you never helped him you would not be dealing with an upset Ahn-Na right now. It's driving you crazy how even when you just decide to ignore his whole existence everything always brings you back to him. What's even crazier is the fact that you could say anything to Ahn-na, she doesn't want to listen to a thing. No matter how hard you're trying to tell her that you and Wonwoo aren't close at all, she's still convinced that you're lying. If only you haven't helped him last time...

It was two days ago that he crossed the line and that you decided to stop begging for his sympathy and yesterday was fine, you easily avoided his existence since you were in a meeting with the superiors all day long, you wished today was the same.

Thankfully tonight was the night when you will finally meet McheW and 96woo. You were about to meet them after work and if tonight wasn't exciting you would be dying on your desk right now because nothing is going on your way.

"I don't get you Y/N I saw you talking with him like you're some close friends why lying?"

You heavily sighed, you want to let her know that her presence is disturbing and not liked. "Oh my god... just go flirt with him if you want to! I won't stop you! What am I? His mother?"

Ahn-na doesn't say anything back. She gave you a weird look. She must be confused with the way you were behaving three days ago and what you're saying right now, which is honestly understandable, what kind of person acts like they are best friends one day and then be back at the stranger stage?

Eventually, she finally let you be and went back to her desk. For a second you wanted to cry out of joy but she sat and straight looked at you with suspicious eyes. Does she still don't believe you? Do you really look that close to Wonwoo?

You tried to ignore her death stares and focus on work because if she is still disturbing you, you'll finish like Soonyoung a few days ago, working until late because you're late and you don't want that to happen. Even more tonight, it would be awful.

"Y/N, Wonwoo are you there?" You lifted your head and saw the team leader by the door. You're surprised he called your name and Wonwoo's. When the team leader is asking for someone it is generally to talk about projects in discussion or rejected projects. But you don't have any project in common with Wonwoo at the moment, this is why you're so surprised right now.

The team leader asked for you two to follow him to his personal office and your face went immediately into "what the hell is happening mode". You snapped your head to Soonyoung, searching for a reaction from him or for answers but he seems as surprised as you are. "You did something?" He whispers while you were standing up.

You shook your head to tell him you didn't and grabbed a notebook in case what he wants to talk about is related to a project but if the team leader asks to talk to you in his office, then everyone knows that this is related to YOU. This is scary. You walked in fear of what he was about to say. Your eyes met Ahn-na's who was visibly judging you very much. Obviously, this happened when she thinks you're making fun of her about your relationship with Wonwoo. Maybe the team leader also thinks you two are close and want one of you to resign. 'Please let it not be that...' You begged inside your head.

Things were fucked up already. You took a quick glance at Wonwoo just to see what was his reaction and you were truly surprised when you saw him walking with his hands touching every piece of furniture that crosses his path. You asked yourself what he was doing because nobody does that unless they're blind.

That is when you realised he doesn't wear his usual round glasses which makes him so cute for nothing. You were so focused on ignoring him that you didn't even remarked he wasn't wearing glasses. But why? If you're sure of something about this man, it is that without glasses this man is BLIND, he even told you one day that without them his life would be hell.

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