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If you fall, I will catch you.
I will be waiting.

Time after time.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, had ever made my heart race as fast as it did when Jake knocked on the front door. He hadn't been kidding— ninety minutes on the dot and he was already back and looking extremely sexy, though I wasn't going to be the one to tell him that and let it go to his head.

As I left my room and turned to walk down the hallway, my mom grabbed my hand and pulled me into hers and dads room.

"You know you don't have to do this, right?" She questioned, her eyes full of concern.

"I know I don't, mom," I sighed. "You and dad think I'm stupid for going, don't you?"

"I knew that you really liked him the night you brought him over for dinner. I could see it in your eyes."

"He made me feel so special," I replied, my eyes welling up with tears.

"Uh-uh. Mascara," she teased with a smile. "If you're sure then you go and have the time of your life, okay?"

Mom planted a kiss on my forehead and I offered a quick smile before meeting Jake at the front door.

"You look beautiful," he replied breathlessly, a smile creeping on his lips as he saw me.

"You don't look too bad either," I replied, grabbing my clutch from the table near the front door. "Should we go?"

"Be sure to get pictures," my mom called out as Jake and I walked back through the front door.

"That was painless," Jake admitted. "I kind of thought your pops was going to give me the third degree."

"Be lucky that he didn't."

Jake opened the door of his truck for me, closing it once I was inside before walking around and climbing into the drivers side. The beginning of the ride, though silent, wasn't awkward and it was admittedly nice to know that my dress would be put to good use after all.

My only concern at this point was me wondering if this was a clever way for Jake to still win his bet or if he was being truthful but I had to have faith that he was doing the right thing.

Once we arrived at the venue, I was in awe at how amazing everything had looked— much better than pictures I had seen of the ball in previous years.

Once Jake and I were out of the truck, I moved to wrap my arm around his but he surprised me by lacing his fingers with mine instead. We found our table, which unfortunately also sat Bradley, Natasha, Javy, and his date, Jen.

I gave Jake a quick look before sitting down, my seat directly beside Natasha.

"Kazansky," she muttered with a smile. "I see you found a dress."

"You did too," I replied quietly. "You look great."

As I began to find the tiniest bit of comfort by talking to Natasha, Bradley stood in between us with a sigh.

"Can we talk for a minute, O?"

"I, uh," I sighed before shaking my head. "Not right now."

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