episode four

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"w-we don't mind! please, join us!"

john immediately took another seat and asked vox to take it. the company president then gladly sat with them.

now the table has never heard more silence. the drunkards immediately sobered up in the presence of their boss.

"excuse me, ma'am? more drinks for this table, i'll pay!" vox said to the house lady, making everyone cheer once again.

"the president is so sweet!"

"drink up, drink up!"

"happy birthday, sheila!"

mysta hiccuped and pushed his shot away. "shit. i can't get drunk." he mumbled.

"i'm going home." mysta said and stood up, only to be pulled back down by his friends.

"are you really? but we were just having fun! you haven't drunk your shot yet too! let's go let's go!"

mysta took the shot and quickly drank it. "done! now let me go!" hiccup.

"naaaah! the president asked for more drinks! you're not coming home sober!"

"i can't! let me go you fucker!"

the table laughed. "so this is how mysta is outside the office huh?"

vox chuckled, amused.

but what amused him more was the blush on sheila's cheeks, not because of alcohol but because of the man in front of her.


"hiccup. fuck..."

the table was drunk and dead. some of them started going home, some were picked up by their spouses. all that's left are andrew and fiona who are still drinking, sheila who is still a bit sober, mysta who is drunk-lazy, and vox who never even drank a single drop.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck..." mysta mumbled. "i didn't promise but hiccup fuck..."

"mysta, are you okay? should i take you home?" sheila asked and placed her hand on top of mysta's.

mysta immediately took his hand back.

"don't touch me... hiccup."

"r-right... sorry." sheila mumbled.

"you probably wouldn't remember tomorrow anyway so i'll just tell you." sheila said.

she quickly grabbed mysta's cheek and faced his face on hers.

"mysta, i like you!"

"huh..? okay..?" hiccup.

"d-do you not... like me too?" sheila asked.

"the heck? no. let go of me. hiccup." mysta said and smacked sheila's hands away.

but sheila didn't want the warmth of mysta's cheek to leave her hands alone.

before her lips could land where she wanted them to, vox slipped his ipad in between their faces.

"mr. stroude, it's time to go home."

hearing his wife's surname, mysta was woken up from his sobriety.

"w-what time is it?" mysta hiccuped and glanced at his phone.

the moment he stood up was the moment his head spun around in circles. good thing vox caught him before he fell.

"i'll get you guys a hotel room each." vox said to his employees.

the accounting manager's housewife | mysta riasWhere stories live. Discover now