episode one

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"mysta. mysta... oi, mystaaa..!"

"mhmm... five more minutes..."

"what do you mean five more minutes?! the president is searching for you!" the woman whisper-yelled.

"huh-? huh?!" mysta sat up. "shit, i slept at work again?"

"you always do..." his officemate said and sighed. "a-anyways! the president is calling for you!" she said and pointed to mysta's telephone.

mysta mumbled thanks before clearing his throat.

"what are you still doing here?"

"i'm curious. come on! answer!"

"geez okay."

mysta took the telephone and answered the line held for him.

"mysta stroude speaking." mysta said and yawned.

[what a surprise to see- or should i say, hear, you idling around work, mr. stroude.]

mysta groaned. "i finished my work. it's not my problem i'm very efficient and have a lot of time on my hands." mysta smugly said and shrugged. "what can i say, i'm very good at time management."

"says the person who got caught playing league of legends on the corporate computer yesterday when he forgot to finish the payroll check."

"shh!" mysta glared at his officemate who remained by his side.

[if you have so little work in that big time of yours, how about you come here to my office?]

"woah woah sir i do not hit that way."

[you fucker, just come up here! i have some good news for you.]

the president then ended the call.

mysta glanced at his officemate named sheila. she's located beside mysta's cubicle.

"sheila, what if the president rapes me?" mysta cried.

"what if what?!" sheila exclaimed softly.

"he said he wants me to come to his office..."

"oh you overthinker! just go!" sheila said after kicking mysta's chair.


"what if it's a promotion?!" sheila beamed. "just do it, mysta!"

mysta swallowed a lump in his throat. "yeah... as if my lazy ass will get a promotion!" mysta sassily said and stood up.

"i'm going." mysta said.

"team leader, the president was calling for him." sheila said to the team leader sitting in the corner cubicle.

"hmm? sure. off you go, mysta."

"thanks, team leader." mysta said. "wish me luck, sheila."

"of course! good luck!" sheila chirped with a light blush.

mysta flashed her a small smile before leaving.

"oi sheila, stop simping and go back to your work." a man named john said, who is also an officemate of mysta and sheila.

"honestly, i don't understand what has gotten sheila so in love with mysta," anthony said and started thinking.

"he's lazy, he always sleeps at work, no one really knows what he does, he gets his paycheck and goes home at exactly 4 PM. we have the same job as him yet it seems like he's living the best job compared to us." anthony envied.

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