episode nineteen

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mysta glanced at the precinct and stopped from his walk. he heard there was a new commander in here. mysta couldn't help but remember the first time he was imprisoned at the early age of 15.


mysta was the type of princess that always gets picked up by his wife and her car at work. however, mysta felt goofy today.

he tried walking back home again even if his wife said she could pick him up any time.

who knows? she might be sleeping. and he wouldn't dare disturb her beauty rest.

she might need it too. i don't think he'd put it out tonight.

"hmm?" sonny hummed after stretching, a donut still between his teeth.

"rmhn rhmm rm!"

mysta's eyebrows met. the fuck is he on about?

sonny bit his donut before dramatically pointing at mysta.

"i know you!"

"no you don't."

"shut it!" sonny exclaimed as he marched down from the precinct entrance to mysta.

"you're that guy, 10 years ago! the one who stole gold!"

"hey! past is past, bro!" mysta said, almost cursing at the officer. "but who the fuck are you?! it's the first time i saw you around here! you think you're fucking cool, you nutcrack?" mysta threatened, snapping his neck.

"hah? are you try'na pick a fight, you little shit?" sonny also threatened, his veins showing from his neck up to his jaw.

"seriously, i know you though!"

"i don't! shut up!" mysta replied and tucked his hands in his pockets, as if the weather wasn't already hot enough. "i'm leaving..!"

"wait, did you seriously qu—"

"shut up." mysta darkly said, his tone and mood immediately turning to the grimmer side.

sonny froze. this man...

"i knew it. you remember me."

"what happened years ago was already none of anyone's business. now shut up and never let me see your face again."

sonny just watched mysta walk away. can he really not remember him? was he feigning innocence? he can't be... that dark look on his face made sonny think that he must've crossed a line mysta had been drawing over the past years.

sonny's eyes landed on mysta's left hand as the latter scratched his head in frustration.

married. sonny thought.

"i can't let him get into me. get a grip, mysta," he mumbled to himself, clutching his head as he walked home.

it was unusual of him to enter the house without announcing his presence. that commander did really get into him.

y/n glanced at the door even though she was all the way in the kitchen. of course she heard him.

she wants to call him out, but that would probably weird her husband out. 'how the hell did you know i was here? i was so quiet. are you a mafia?' y/n can't risk that.

she sighed oh so slightly and continued making dinner.

mysta was about to remove his shoes.

okay. so he wasn't the best boy in his early years. he and his mother were crawling in the dirt, and he had no choice but to steal.

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