episode twenty-two

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"witwew~! this apartment is amazing, wife!" mysta beamed, looking around like a lost child in a museum. "so you're telling me, you lived here when you were 14? craaap. all on your own? daaamnn."

y/n just laughed and shook her head at her husband.

"wife, wife, wife! look! i can see the eiffel from afar!" mysta exclaimed from the balcony. "it's actually farther than i expected."

"paris is polluted. i wouldn't risk my health just to get nearer to university. i biked to uni." y/n simply answered.

"goddamn, wife. this apartment is so pretty."

"thanks. i asked someone to clean it in advance."

yaeko and ike was the someone. the child thought she'd be having a vacation in paris, turns out her adoptive father was just trying to clean the mademoiselle's apartment.

"i'll fix our things in the bedroom. you can roam around in the meantime."

"'kaaay." mysta replied.

he just snickered like a gremlin as he thought of messing with y/n in every corner of her childhood place. the counter wouldn't be so bad. or maybe i could push her to that empty wall over there.

hmm. that's odd.

the place was filled with paintings, awards, and picture frames. the empty wall didn't fit right.

mysta walked to the empty wall and just stared at it. he slowly lifted his hand and placed his palm on the wall.


"GAH!! fuck!" mysta exclaimed, jumping in pure surprise as he took his hand back. "you scared me!"

"oops, sorry." y/n just said. "were you tryna do something in secret? you vixen."

"the hell? i'm not a female fox." mysta mumbled with a pout and just kept looking around, but now away from the wall.

"wanna check the bedroom?"

"kyaaa my wife's college bedroom~" mysta excitedly said and flew to y/n's room.

y/n's smile immediately faded after mysta disappeared from her sight. her eyes landed on the empty wall before she ran her fingers on it. perhaps it was too stupidly noticeable if even her stupid husband noticed it...

when y/n followed mysta to her room, he was already mumbling stuff to himself.

"woah. this room is really giving college cottagecore vibes." mysta said, staring at the fake leaves and vines hanging around the room, as well as some aesthetically arranged books and the orange mesh draping from the ceiling to the bed.

"where did you even get the time to customize your room like this?" he asked and took one of the books.

anatomy, physiology, & disease

"are we actually gonna sleep here?" mysta ran his finger on the vanity mirror. "damn, not even a dust. you really got this place cleaned up for us?"

"i figured you'd fanboy over almost everything in this apartment, so i did." y/n proudly said.

"do you think we can have a husband-wife time in this bed?" he asked and sat on the bed. "ooh so soft."

"we won't stay here for long. we'll just attend tonight's reunion, then we'll go home tomorrow night." y/n replied and sat beside him.

"okay? we still have the whole day tomorrow. you said flight's at night!"

"mon chaton, you won't have any time for that tomorrow. you'll be too occupied with all the paris stuff."

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