Chapter 6: wtf!

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" Peter.....Peter.... PETER!!!"
Peter was woken up by the sounds of one of a man waking him up. in hands was an empty mug , totally forgetting the contents which used to be there .
He looked around the room the dark room which was dimly lit by the blue tint of the tv screen where the movie " monsters vs aliens " played .
" what... the fuck !!" He exclaimed not to loud but just enough for it to fall on the man's ears . It was reflex for him .
" language Peter , go sleep in your room before you hurt your neck sleeping in that position , give me the cup I'll take it to the kitchen for you " the man said as Peter handed him the mug and he walked away into the kitchen leaving Peter in utter shock and disbelief . His mind wandered he tried to remember, harder and harder .... Nothing "what's going on ... " his head was spinning , his mind was blank all he could remember all he could think of was the loud and distinct sound of bullet being let loose in the body of his aunt , the splatting of blood echoing in the alley way as her grip on his hands became loose as she dropped to the ground.
His breath became heavy , his head fuzzy and unyielding , he couldn't stop hearing and thinking about it , it needed to stop , a trickle of blood dripped from his nose and soon he felt tears , which weren't tears at all but blood . He let out a loud cry .... His screams echoing through the tower .

The residents of the tower also known as the avengers in no second to waste burst out of their respective rooms ready to face any threat the lurked writhin the tower the man who Peter woke up to was the first to get to him trying to calm him down but the man steve was also in a state of panic , his son was currently bleeding from his eyes and nose , when he woke the boy up aside from his outburst of curse words he looked and seemed fine so what could be the problem .

They had gathered to the living room where the boy was yelling in pain .
" steve what happened WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS EYES " Tony yelled running to his husband as he scooped his son in his arms taking him to the infirmary on the resident floor in the tower .
" I don't know , I woke him up to go to bed while I was in the kitchen I heard him scream and I came back to him bleeding from the eyes and nose "
" Tony we will go scout the tower and see if there was any intruders , you guys focus on Peter " Natasha says and she and some of the other avengers went to survey the tower for looming danger .
Leaving Bruce , Wanda , vision and loki in the infirmary with Tony , Steve and Peter .
"FRIDAY, scan the tower for any potential pathogens , viruses anything that could have caused this unusual bleeding from Peter "
" yes mr stark " the AI replied as it began to focus on its given tasks .
"KAREN , I want you to do a full body scan on Peter and match it to watever FRIDAY finds"

"Yes mr stark "

" what could have caused this unusual activity " Wanda thought
"Might it be something the young master caught from school" vision pondered
" that could be a factor yes , if that's the cause FRIDAY will have to do a thorough sweep of every-

" MATCH FOUND" both AIs interrupted Tony as they brought the group to attention.
" the tests on Peter revealed a foreign substance known as a DREAM SOLVENT was digested by young master" KAREN announces .

" it would seem the unknown bottle of cocoa mr stark had brought home had traces of the dream solvent in it ... it's core contents include hyponasia gotten from the tusk of an ancient creature which is used as an anti aging serum but a large dose of it could be used as a hypnotic and can also render memory loss "

"What!! Tony where did you get something like that steve yelled .
"Pepper gave it to me , it was a gift from one of our clients , she claimed it was some youthful blend , I asked pepper to throw it away but she insisted I keep it since it was a gift and dropped it off in the kitchen . I intended to get rid of it" Tony said the panic evident in his voice .

It's been 6 hours and Peter hasn't woken up yet , the avengers littered the living room waiting patiently for the young un to awake . Soo their prayers where answered .

" Peter !! Peter ... Peter can you here me it's dad can you see me " Tony said helping him sit up as Tony and Bruce checked through his vitals .
"Hey kiddo how are you feeling" Tony said embracing his son in a hug .

" who the hell are you guys "

Cya .

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