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" okay lemme get this straight , some alien ship landed and stole my boyfriend aka your son , and after locking me in a prison cell .. for being in love with your son , you want me to help you " Wade said sarcastically , leaning on a wall

" yes " tony replied bluntly

" huh figures " Wade said bouncing of the wall and walking to the center of the room where all the avengers sat .

" okay but we do this my way ... or y'all can take the high way " he said smirking under his mask

" what no !! We will be doing non of that " nick furry yelled not even ready to deal with wades bullshit

" look , peter is seriously the love of my life ... tho we haven't known each other for very long ... 'weird' a little bit . But that only means we're soul mates or some bullshit like that , so I won't endanger him . " Wade said crossing his arms and staring at the group in front of him .

" okay then I acknowledge you , what do we now do , since u so wanna take the lead " tony said walking up to wade .

" well ... we burst in "

" you have got to be kidding me -" Natasha interrupts about to smash his head .

" what does peter see in you " Loki says with an aura of disgust around him

" wow .. offensive much "

After an hour of prying into the locks which safe guarded the entrance to the door of the space ships they were finally able to enter.

Following the trail of faint pants which became louder and louder ,
They stopped by a corner the sounds of peters muffled screams and pants causing their blood pressure to sky rocket , they were impatient they wanted to look , they wanted to jump out and wrap the poor boy in their arms, but they could not afford to be careless . But Wade didn't think that way , he wanted peter to be in his arms now .

He jumped out causing the avengers to panic , he had blown their cover so no point in hiding ,
They all jumped out taking on a stance readied for battle .

The wave of disgust that ran over each of their faces , as they were met with a half naked peter ,pants of as the creature was deep in him .

⚠️ warning rape and disturbing content ⚠️

The creature had peter facing his people as he had both hands holding up peters knees in the air
" please let me go " peter cried out his voice worn out from all his crying .
" papa , daddy , Wade please help " peter yelled on seeing the people he loved walk in on such a situation .
The creature began violently thrusting into peter as his sharp shark like teeth pierced through his neck making peter release a violent scream .

The avengers and Wade had just stood there in shock .

" do you all want to watch as I lay my eggs in this little one "
The creature choked out causing wade to snap out of his trance , grabbing two of his swords which hung at his back , as it sliced through the tentacle arms holding peter by his wrist , this caused the creature to rile in agony , it had grown another pair of tentacles smacking Wade across the room and onto a wall .
The other avengers had used this opportunity to attack the thing , it's strength was incredible it could withstand itself from this many avengers .
Peter struggled as he tried to get him self loose , two shots heard and peter fell to the ground as the creatures hands came clean off , Wade ran up to peter trying to help him
" baby are you okay " he said holding peters face in his hands franaticaly rubbing off all his tears
" I'm fine , I'm fine , now that your here "
Peter said relaxing into his touch
" ah ... I'm so glad I al..."
Wade was cut short as he spat blood out onto peters face .

The creature had impaled Wade through his chest
" WADE !!! "
Peter yelled

It was incredibly how this creature put down most of the avengers , it was scary , peters mind was not in the right place .

A shield slammed the head of the creature , its attention was back on the avengers .
" what do we do now , "
Hawkeye yelled
" Bruce should have come "
Natasha says clicking her tongue
" he was back up "
Like whispered
" back up that never showed "
Tony retorted

" peter honey listen to me take Wade and run "
Steve yelled
peter yelled back

Peter bit his lip as he tried standing up , he will only be in their way he thought .
But , his legs felt heavy , like there was a ton of bricks on each leg , he tried moving it but nothing he felt nothing .

" stark son what are you still doing get far from this place " Thor yelled dogging A hit .

" my legs ! I CANT FEEL MY LEGS "he cried out panicking , he was paralyzed from his waist down .
" what !! " tony exclaimed
" Friday , stats now " tony called to his suit
" it would seem that peter has been severely paralyzed from his waist down , not only that but a deadly poison circulates his blood stream , his temperature has dropped severely and his heart rate is slowed "
FRIDAY answered

" fuck , peter listen to me , right now I won't lie to you buddy but you aren't doing so good , what I want you to do is...."

Before tony could finish his statement he was sent flying across the room .

At the same time Loki and falcon were sent across the room with a tentacle .
A loud screech was heard as two blades came through the chest of the being.
" Wade! " peter exclaimed .
Wade yelled as Thor delivered a shot of lightning causing the creature to explode into all their faces , all covered in blue slime,
Sam whipped his glasses clean gagging at the smell
" disgusting " Natasha exclaimed .
Loki stood there crossed armed mentally cursing Thor in his mind , his long silky hair was now covered in goop .
Thor smiled nervously walking up to his lover and helping him move out some of the slime from his face and hair
" ugh , " he said swatting those hand off
Loki ran up to peter who had Wade in his lap , who had passed out , his dads hugging the life out of him . As peter cried .
" he'll be fine baby don't cry "
Steve said comforting the boy .
Wade had passed out slamming his head on the ground, his breath was uneven and his temperature was low.
Soon after back up had come and the injured were helped out .

Hey guys sorry for slow updates , see y'all next time 🌸.

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