Chapter 1

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Hey guys author chan here and I hope you enjoy this shit bag of a story cause I know I will * insert winky face * don't forget to vote and comment .

Peters pov
Schools on summer break and today is my first day of summer vacation till I resum in September to start my last year of high school .
    I decided to go check for bad guys to install justice upon them ( A/N: *cough,cough* nerd ) , I was swinging through the city happily when I heard some criminal activities taking place .
Getting to the scene of the crime I was greeted with fowl stench of blood , garbage and Mexican food , I scanned the area and saw 3 guys , one was headless , one had his limbs severed and a blade in his chest and the last had well his dick was cut off and his chest sliced in an x form . I leaned over to the wall placing a hand on it my breathing became heavy and well I just puked , the sight before me was horrid I turned round to look at the culprit he was tall way taller than me , muscular also more muscular than me he was wearing a suit almost similar to mine but his was red and black he had a utility belt on and two swords strapped to his back , I didn't know what was wrong I just really didn't feel so good , I warbled towards him and reached my hands to touch him my vision getting blurry , and then I passed out .
I woke up , feeling a little bit better , noticing my environment had changed I looked round , I was in a bed in an apartment , it was really warm and cozy and what is this smell it so beautiful , I sniffed the sheets that where used to wrap me " Wahh... So warm and cozy ( A/N: anyone seen that k-drama )
" don't cum in my bed cause that expression your making is a killer "
Wade's pov
( bold - yellow box )
( italics - white box )
" wade let's fuck him come on look at him he looks like a fucking porcelain Barbie doll but a guy , I mean ... Fuck "
"Wade don't listen to that oaf the boy will hate us and beside baby over there looks like a teen we are basically 22 years tho we don't age and it could also count as rape ... The heck it is rape wade be rational and don't do anything stupid "
" i gotta agree with white on this one yellow "
" who are you talking to " the cutie baby asked
" no one to be honest you will think I'm crazy " I I replied " well... You might..THE FUCK WHERE IS MY SUIT AND WHAT AM I WEARING "
He screamed jumping out " don't look at my face " he shouted covering his face , the boy is too cute
" hey come on , let daddy see your face baby boy "  I purred getting closer to him " THE FUCK YOU AINT MY DADDY " he screamed getting out of the bed . He was wearing one of my white shirts and his boxers that had little kitty paws on em so cute " what the ??!!! " he exclaimed covering his bottoms " gimme my suit back and what a the time ?!? " he asked greeting his teeth " off course not " I replied to one of my boxes " unaliving is not an option he is Cute " I chuckled " hey who are you talking to " he asked calmly sitting back down on the bed and looking at me with his doe eyes , fuck he is gorgeous " uhm.. The boxes in my head think I'm weird right ? " asked looking down but he couldn't notice due to the mask " no I don't .. Come " he said patting a spot beside him on the bed to sit " tell me about the boxes " he said turning to me and placing a palm on my thigh fuck ! " uhmmm where should I start , well ones yellow and the other is white , yellow representing my insanity and white my sanity ........" We spent the whole night talking bout different things we even ended up laying on the same bed together till ....
" hahah ... The fuck wade you are freaking hilarious ! " Peter said rubbing his tears from his eyes " what's the time " he asked snuggling into my side unconsciously " ughhh about 2:00 am I said cuddling back , before he suddenly shot up " what the fuck Peter !! " I scolded before he started scurrying " my curfew was 11:00 pm how the fuck did it get to 2 freaking am in the morning " he started panicking till I grabbed his wrist " do you have to go now baby " I asked in hopes he'll stay but my luck he is a goodie too shoes " I'm sorry wade but I gotta go , how about tomorrow we patrol together and maybe have some fun later like games or something and eat , that is if I ain't  gotten grounded "  he said hugging me and looking for something "

   " your suit is drying , it maybe done but not completely dry wanna borrow one of my sweatpants " he nodded and I handed him a sweat pant from my closet " he put it on and damn he looks so cute  , I handed him his suit that I put in a paper bag " see later wade , text me or call me "
( they have already exchanged numbers )
Peters pov
I quickly got home and noticed my window was locked , I think dad must have locked it , that means they know I'm not home damn it ! , I took the elevator to the 45th floor where the avengers bedroom and my bedroom reside along with the living room and kitchen.
I tip toed in trying to get to my room as quiet as possible , thinking I was finally at my door about to touch it , the lights fucking come on " shit fuc..!" I stammer my hand on my mouth to stop me from cursing , i turned round to face the avengers looking at me angrily especially pops and dad " Peter Benjamin Parker ! Where the hell have you been " dad asked crossing his arms and glaring me down .... I'M SO FUCKING DONE FOR

Hope you guys enjoyed first chapter , please tune in for me ( this ain't a tv Channel ) shut the fuck up yellow ! Anyways please vote and comment thank you 🎀🎀
Till next time .

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