Chapter 2

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" uhhhmm..... dad , pop like I ... You ... I .. " I stuttered out
" no rambling Peter speak up !! " my dad commanded getting really angry

" I was with a friend and we just lost track of time " I said not exactly lying " but you where only supposed to be on patrol not going out on dates and you smell funny like smoke , PETER HAVE YOU BEEN SMOKING " both my dads yell " no dad jeez you guys gimme a break I always meet my curfew the one day I stray you go all out ughhh " I walked into my room slamming the door

Author pov
Peter slammed the door shocking every one , the Peter they knew was never rude and always met his curfew " you know I had read in some books that when teenagers turn sixteen thy tend to develop weird hormones that cause them to be nasty creatures " Loki said placing fingers on his chin " Loki drop that book you are reading please and get a new one " Bruce chuckled " yeah they actually developed thier hormones when they are 13 " every one chuckled at the remark Sam made " I think we should live him for now " nat said walking towards the living room .

Next day.....
" uhmm dad , pops im so sorry bout yesterday i didn't mean to ... um . you know snap "

Peter apologized to his dads , knowing he actually crossed the line last night and also needed a diversion off of wade .

" its fine baby , just don't do that again. OK , we were worried sick " Steven said rapping his hands around peter to give him a hug " thank you , I'll be in the living room " every one watched as peter left the kitchen , he walked to the living room . As he sat on the long couch with a blanket on his lap. Drinking his morning tea .
Then his phone buzzed

Wierdowade: yo baby boy
Peter: lol hey wade
Wierdowade: whatsup👀
Peter: nothing much just morning cocoa
Wierdowade: were your peeps mad
Peter: they kinda were but I handled it .
Wierdowade:aww I'm sorry ,I should have got you home sooner
Peter: nah it's okay , we literally met just yesterday and you already taking care of me lol .
Wierdowade: so I cant take care of my baby
Peter: WADE we just met I don't know you well yet
Wierdowade: then.......
peter: then...... what ?!
Wierdowade: lets go on a date
Peter: hmm I don't know , my dads have a strict no boy rule , and I fucking don't know why
Wierdowade: common , I'll show you a good time
Peter: hmm.. okay
Wierdowade: okay then meet me at the park by 12:30
Peter: what it's almost 12 , that's so not cool , okay then lemme go get ready .

Peter got up quickly rushing to his room , startling the rest of the avengers who where doing their own shit .

"Uhh ... peter why the rush" Steve asked his son as he was about to enter his room"

" oh nothing I just wanna go hang out with my friends " he said not necessarily lying

" who ?" Tony asked brows raised , lips on his coffee mug
" uhh..Ned .. Ned yes Ned " he stammered lying through his pearly whites

Peter finally was able to get ready and leav the house before any of his parent or family start to ask him more questions .

** time skip 9 hrs later **
( A/N : I didn't put a date scene cause I'm saving my energy for something moooooore  catch my drift wink wonk ... nah boos it's not smut get your noses out the gutter )

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