Chapter 7 : illusions

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" who are you , where is my aunt may " Peter said as he was sent into panic mode after everything he had
witnessed or didn't .
"Peter , what are you talking about , aunt may is dead " Tony said trying to snap his son back to consciousness "she died when you were 10 Peter , don't you remember "
Peter shoved his fathers of off him as his breathing became unhinged  and uneven
" liars , why would aunt may ... who even are you guys , what's going on why do I feel like I'm forgetting something a lot of things and what was that weird dream with the alien and and ... I don't remember very well " Peter held his head in his hands as an unbearable headache took over .
" Peter.." both his parents trailed off his other family members sticking to the side as they could only watch in silence as their beloved was going through something they couldn't fathom.

" I think taking him to strange would be the best course of action " Wanda said as she tried to use her magic to soothe peters head .
" yeah I think so to he may know something about the potion I'm sure they'll have some kind of data on it in the sanctum " Natasha said stepping forward to pat the already put to sleep boy.

In the New York sanctum ....
Hello stark, Stephen said circling around the man , who had a visible scowl on his face , "Stephen , I'm not here for that , I need your hel-" Tony was cut off by stephen levitating away from him towards the fire place as he took a sit .

" wow , you need my help !" Stephen exclaimed
" you see ! This is why I didn't wanna come see you , you make everything weird !!" Tony yelled throwing his hands up in defeat

Tony and Stephen have history

" look Stephen , my sons sick , some weird potion shit I need your help please for my kid " Tony pleaded walking up to the wizard who was sipping his coffee from a ' worlds best wizard ' mug .
He sighs letting out a calm breath " fine let's go " he drops the mug and ignoring Tony's protests teleports them into the avengers compound .

" hello strange "
"Hello rogers "
Bothe men stared at each other with a tinge of disgust

" ehem " Tony fake coughed out of the Situation, as the poor victim's who had to watch this sorry excuse of a romcom go down before their very eyes .

" FRIDAY , how is Peter doing ? "
Tony asks entering the clinic
" he's vitals are extremely low sir , the toxin has began to spread rapidly through his body , I am yet to find a way to stop it from spreading "

" don't worry that's where I come in " Stephen says looking at the boy " he looked fragile very ...
" the bottle do you still have it " Stephen asks
" yes " Tony hands him the ominous looking bottle
" i see , it's good you sent for me when you did , this is an ancient toxin taken from the tusks of the Haratu beasts , the can also be used as an anti aging drug in small doses , but becomes lethal when to potent it can cause SEVERE hallucinations, and could even lead to blindness and madness" strange says as he spirals his hands over the child and droplets of orange liquid sips from his body , it too about 5 mins to get it all out and he traps it back in the bottle it cam from .

" how is he now FRIDAY " Tony asks
" stable sir " a breath of relief was released by everyone in the Room as their hearts were no longer in their throat's.
" but , if the toxin was really in peters body for as long as you say it was ,I doubt he'll be the same as before " Stephen says monitoring the boy closer

" meaning ? " Steven says face frowning in concern

" he may loose a significant portion of his memories "
Gasps and sighs released out of concern spread through the room

" WHAT!! Why , no that can't happen can't you do something about it "
Tony yelled silently " I'm sorry stark "
" hey babe , he's okay he's alive and well that's what we should focus on for now okay " Steven says bringing his husband into a hug .

" Mmmh" a muffled moan was heard from the patient
" Sir PETER has woken up "
FRIDAY stated
" hey buddy , hey how are you feeling " Tony rushed to his side along with Steve as he patted his sons head teary eyed .
" who are you guys really " the boy muffled pulling away from his fathers " Tony's heart dropping to the ground , Steve could see the visible distress in his beloveds eyes and all he can do was be strong for them both .
" we're your dads Peter "
"My dads ... "

I'm back ... forgive me

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