Plan it enough

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Chapter 1

Sun shining and air flowing wind going through a quiet and somewhat loud town, neighborhoods being quiet and peaceful until stopping to one house that's all messy and filthy. Ah yes, the loudest house in Royal Woods, the loud residents, but it is a surprise that this house wasn't loud today, that's when realized all the members in that house are gone except for one person, we see a white haired boy in his ripped pajama clothes and shivering on a pile of leaves. Poor boy, he must've been left there for how long.

Lincoln Loud, the middle child of the family and the neglected child. He shakes violently and heard his stomach rumbling, motioning that his hungry, he sniffed and stood up while quickly fell on his knees, tired for him not sleeping well, showered, and even eaten well for about a month. He managed to stand up and slowly walked to the staircase leading to the back door of the house, he tried to open the door and him thinking it won't open but in surprise, it did. He gasped in surprise and start to tear up, he can finally go inside, he peeked inside to look if the family is there but surprisingly there aren't people inside, he quickly went inside and quietly closed the door and quickly got to the fridge to check if there was leftover food for him.

"Come on.. Come on.." he coughed out, hungrily looking inside the fridge until he froze of what was behind him.

"Linky?" someone said surprise, staring at the younger boy. Lincoln turned around and saw it was his two oldest sisters and two youngest, shocked at each other and stared there for a moment until Lucy ran to Lincoln and hugged him so tight, not caring about how Lincoln smelled.

He was shock to see this and still stari g at the three until they all went to Lincoln and hugged him also. They finally noticed what Lincoln looked and immediately felt bad but happy they get to see their brother again, the two oldest took their younger brother and put him on the bathroom and bath him.

For about one hour, the five people in the house was in the dinner table, chatting with each other while the only boy was eating some actually food and listening to his sister's conversation, living the company he has than those days. But then they all suddenly got quiet and Lincoln looked at them and noticed they look upset with something, looked tired and like they haven't gotten sleep.

"Hey guys?... You all doing okay?" he said while slowly eating a spoonful of food, Leni coughed off and turn to Luna and gave her a nod.

"Linky, we wanted to say... We're sorry." Lincoln hummed in surprise since he can't talk much due to the food in his mouth.

"Inky we sorry for evweythin, we wanted you to bwe witb us." a surprise from Lincoln when her youngest sister talked.

"It's true, Lincoln... Sigh, he wished he could've helped you get inside the house or be with you when the others aren't looking or in here but we couldn't since some of them were still inside and they forced us to not come get you.." Lucy said while looking down on the table as Lily gently giving her sister a pat on the back while cooing, he looked at his other sister, Luna. She was sighing and face him.

"We understand that you're mad but hear us out, we did. We wanted you to get you inside but we couldn't since the others were forcing us or even hit us for even suggesting to get you inside or tried to sneak you inside, we're so sorry bro we didn't helped you for one month, we promised. If you're going to ask why, Lynn forced to shut our mouths because she said your still a "bad luck" onto this family., " she finished saying as they all looked down, ashamed for not being good sisters to Lincoln.

Lincoln on the other hand, didn't hate the four sisters, infact, he felt pity. He pity his sisters for even trying to help him get inside or sneak him inside, now he gets to see them like this all cause of him getting kicked out on the house, starved and neglected. He finally noticed some scars and bruises on their face, even Lily having some cuts on cheeks and bandages on their hands.

"Guys, I forgive you guys, I'm sorry if I gotten you all that in a mess because of me being a bad luck, now you all gotten bruises because me.." he said, tearing up. They all cried and hugged it out, they finally get to be with each other after one month.

For after another hour, they were planning to leave this rached household and country and start to leave to have a normal and new life without the other louds. Finally, they decided to run away, they all packed their necessary stuffs and things while lincoln just sits on the couch, quietly swinging his legs, waiting for his sisters to be done packing, since his clothes and stuff got sold by his other sisters and parents.

They planned to leave Royal Woods and never return, not turning back or looking back, all they want is a new future without the burden on their shoulders.


//What do you all think about the book so far? Tell in the comments about what you think:).

//Another reminder, this is not canon, all of this are just fan making and randomized making!

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