Two were left behind or were they?

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Chapter 2

The five louds were in the Royal Woods bus station, waiting for their bus to come by, as they were waiting, Lily started grunting and making panic noises, it caused the four louds attention.

"What is it, Lily?" Lucy said in a monotone voice as Lily, still grunting but pointed at the road, causing the others to look and gasp, it was Vanzilla, aka the family van. They panicked and grab some newspapers that was next to them and open it, thinking it won't see them. They felt wind blowing a bit and the smell of gas passing them by. They gag from the smell and put the newspaper away.

"Damn it, I didn't know Vanzilla was that horrible to smell!" Leni said, disgusted by the Louds van, the others agree and saw their bus coming by, they all smiled and grab their bags and walk inside the bus, sitting down as it slowly leaves.

Meanwhile, the other louds were in Vanzilla, driving back home after picking up their kids at school, their dad humming then start to talk, while their mother just stayed quiet, simply looking at the window, not wanting to interact with her kids and husband.

"So, kids! How's school? Anything, fun?" Lynn sr. said, smiling while looking at his kids in the mirror view. The loud children just stared at their dad before bursting into nonsense and talk about their day, while Lana and Rita Loud just, kept quiet. They didn't want to talk to any of the people in the van and nothing more. They all talked and talked as one Loud, notice someone from a familiar bus stop, as they passed the bus, Lana looked at their window and saw it was her older/younger sisters and went wide as she saw Lincoln. She wanted to say something but know her family still believes in "bad luck". Lisa Loud, who particularly saw her older sister's look and questioned.

"Why are you so quiet, Lana? You barely talked after father and mother take us home." Lisa said, causing all the Loud kids and Lynn sr. to look at Lana, causing her to feel pressed and pressured from the looks that her sisters are giving her, some were in a look of worry, some looks were in disgust, and some looks that doesn't care but with a bit of anger. Lana was stuttering and sweating a bit but then Rita started talking in a tired and quiet tone, most likely even the others didn't heard her.

"Kids don't pressure your sister.... We're home, go inside with your father except you, Lana.." she said, Lana was relived but scared about what will Rita do to her but the others, Lola, Lori and Luan, "oooo'ed" at Lana for getting in "trouble" while the other two laughed and walked out of the van until Lynn jr. and Lola come back and punched Lana's arm and forcefully closed the van door loudly and walk back, laughing and causing Rita and Lana's ears to go ring.

Lana just rubbed her arm and sighed and looked down, she heard the front door of the van open and closed and thought her mother left her there in the van. She panicked until she heard the door open to see her mothers tired and sweet eyes, Rita held her daughter near her, hugging her as Lana quickly hugged her back ever so tightly.

"Mom.... I.. I don't like this anymore, I wanna leave..." she sniffled while hugging her mom, Rita shushed Lana while rubbing her back and pulled away, holding her daughter's shoulders and them making eye contact.

"Listen sweetie.. I'll call your pop pop later and tell him we're leaving Royal Woods, as soon as I talk to your other sisters who, occasionally your dad just left them here that they'll come with us to leave this place, huh? What do you say.?" she said, smiling tiredly at her daughter as Lana looked away and silent for a moment until she opened her mouth.

"Mom... Can I tell you something?" she saw her mother nodded with a worried look until.

"I saw them at the bus station earlier, with Lincoln..." Lana looked at her mom, seeing a shock looked at her mother until they heard a scream inside the house. They looked at each other until they ran with each other to the house, and ran to where the screaming was and saw their eldest daughter/sister in the kitchen and was making gag noises.

"Lori, what happened..!" Rita asked as Lori just still making gag noises and now finally the other Louds came to the kitchen and shock for some reason, Loria finally stopped making dramatic gagging then said.

"We don't have any food and the kitchen smells like unwashed clothes and dirty poop!! And I can't find Leni, Luna, Lucy and Lily or whatever their names are." she yelled the first part then sounded with no care from the last part, making the others gasp, it was either the food and clothes part or the other Louds are gone part, we can't know. That's when the Loud kids were now complaining and panicking and screaming, making Lana to cover her ears as her frog friend, hopps to also cover his ears, Rita looking at her kids in distress and anger as Lynn sr. just joins his daughters in panicking and screaming, helping but helping in a idiotic and annoying way, Rita had enough when she saw her daughter(Lana) distress.

That's when Rita finally snaps. She huffed silently and grab a near mug, looking at it as it was a "World's greatest Dad" mug, she scoffed as she looked at the screaming husband/father and rolls her eyes and came back next to Lana who was getting overwhelmed by the noises and ran out of the kitchen, also somewhat got harmed as she was running away. Rita saw that while the others just continue complaining and panicking then Rita suddenly throw the mug at the wall, causing it to break and make the loud smash sound and everyone in the house got silent, surprised by Rita's outburst.

"Whoa, honey! What did you do that for! That was expensive to have and get!-...." her husband shouted with a surprised and bitter tone but then stopped as he saw the deathglare of Rita, the kids stopped panicking and just felt terrified of their mother.

"Children. Family. Meeting.." Rita said while eye twitching, then turned to Lori as she was speaking.

"Yeah no, mom. It's a waste of...." she said before getting an interrupted shout from her mother.

"Family meeting NOW!! AND NO EXCUSES. you hear me, young lady? And that goes for all, of you!!" Rita yelled as the family quickly ran to the living room, Rita sighed so loudly and scratch the back of her neck and feeling her make up from her neck fading, she didn't care about that right now, all she wanted was to finally have a talk with this family and do something she should've done years ago.


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Thank you for reading, until next chapter :)


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