ayyy yo tf am I here for!?

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Y/n pov

I was watching Naruto when an sketchy add came up and being the dumb person I am I clicked it the screen turned white and now I'm in a void "the actual fuwq" I said to no one

Time skip cos I'm lazy af

I ended up in a forest (real original I know) I get up and decide to walk around hoping I might find something few minutes later I found a river "might as well look at my reflection" I thought aloud I look down and my clothes are different

I ended up in a forest (real original I know) I get up and decide to walk around hoping I might find something few minutes later I found a river "might as well look at my reflection" I thought aloud I look down and my clothes are different

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(2nd/last row last one is the one you're wearing)

I was tired so I did what any sane person would I face planted into the the ground and sleeped (idk grammar ok) dreaming of how hot Kakashi is.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a hospital bed looking around the room I realise that it's made of sandstone 'huh I was sure I was in a forest OH WELL I DON'T CARE' I got out of bed and feel like my stomach has been stabbed by a blade covered in poison that poured acid on it.

I walk to the door and slowly open it as to not attract attention to me and to my relief no one was there I walk out of the hospital and see that it's night time 'that's probably why no one is in the fucking hospital' I quickly yet quietly run out of the village I turn around and see the gate to suna and then it hit me like a knife to my neck I mean literally there's a knife to my neck "I'll give you one chance to tell who you are before I kill you"


Ha I'm evil and I'm proud of it

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