Part 40 - Welcome to real tanks!

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This new version of Ankō was LOUD,

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This new version of Ankō was LOUD,

The Maybach HL-120 TRM was not nearly as loud as this when they drove the tank last.

The tank fidgeted constantly from the engine, without the slightest hint of grace.

The tracks emitted squeaks and scratching sounds almost constantly, ear protection was necessary.

Even with her previous experience with tanks, stretching back to her childhood, Miho had never seen tanks in such a raw, and mean way before.

The tracks clawed up dirt and threw it everywhere,

The transmission made strange noises, and Saori was acting like the transmission was about to eat her alive or something.

And on top of THAT, they had to wear full length PANTS, instead of a skirt.

Needless to say, despite driving the same tank that they had for months, it was a completely different experience.

"These pants are itchy!" Saori complained

Mako's eyes were almost always bloodshot open, it was impossible to feel sleepy in this thing.

They even had to use microphones and hand signals to communicate,

Saori was easily having the worst time out of all of them,

All of her pillows and stuffed animals and things that she brought into the tank were completely gone, and that includes her pillow on her seat, because she didn't like how uncomfortable and shaky the seat was.

Needless to say, all of the uncomfortable things of a tank were dialed up to ELEVEN.

And also, the uncomfortable things weren't just the marauding engine noises, but now all of the labels were in GERMAN.

As in, they ripped off the Japanese labels they'd put on,

And the majority of them didn't understand ANY German.

And German was everywhere,

Yukari was uncomfortably happy, always with this almost goofy smile on her face.

she was getting immersed a whole lot.


And then, they finally reached one of the MANY shooting ranges,

They dug a lot of them out, and set up mounds for paper targets.

Saori was trying to get the radio to contact home, which was harder to do since all the labels were now in German instead of the Japanese they'd had on previously.

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