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I get a taxi cab and he brings me to a village. Its not close to the city but nor far from the city. I get out of the car and look at my phone where i have the name. The man gets out of the car. 'Are you sure this is it?' i ask him. He nods and rides away in his car. I look at the car and then at the village again. I sigh and walk with dificoultie with my heals trough the snow. I walk too the little house where i stay and put my backs at my room. I walk with my heals still on too the nearest cafe. I sit down and order a cub of coffee. I read the local news paper and sib my coffee. Sara calls me. Omg i totally forgot to tekst her. I take the phone.
'Where the heck are you?!' Sara says. 'Sorry did i forgot something?' i say. 'Oh no not really....just you and i were going to lunch!' she says. I laugh short 'sorry but you are not gonna believe where i am right now!' i say. 'Tell me!' she says. i tell her everything happily. 'Good your on vacation finally!' she says. I laugh 'bye! I'll be back in town in three weeks!' i say.
'Bye!' she says and hangs up. I drink my coffee and then walk into the village. I walk on a path in the snowy woods.
I smile and walk farther. It is difficult walking with those heals but im doing fine. I sit down at a bench some people walk by and say hi to me friendly. I get a tekst from my ex. I roll my eyes and read it:
Hey where are you right now?
i respond
In Finland
he tekst me back
Oh well, you could have said that to me......are the people nice out there?
i sigh and respond
Sorry yes.....
why the hell did i say sorry?! i ask myself, i put away the phone and look at the snow fields before me and the frozen lake.
I sigh and walk farther. I walk on a small wooden bridge across the lake. I walk onto the field and see a group of reindeers.
I stop and look at the big beautiful beasts. I smile what are they beautiful!, I think. One of them walks up to me and starts licking me. I nervously pet the reindeer and look around. He starts chewing on my jacket and some more reindeers come up to me. Some start licking and chewing on my bag. I trip and fall hard on my butt. But then a man appears trough the reindeers.
He starts getting the reindeers away, not in a mean way.....but it looks like he knows what he is doing. When the reindeers walk away he turns around. He has beautiful brown eyes and light brown curly hair. He grasps my hand and helps me up. I wipe away all the snow on my jacket. He smiles 'hey im so sorry about that, they are just very curious' he says. I look at him and smile back 'I believe that, its no big deal' i answer. He looks at my heals and laughs short. I look at him and raise one eyebrow. 'You are new here huh?' he says. I nod 'yeah....' i look at my dirty jacket and my bag what is still on the ground. He smiles 'how would you like it if i took you to a cafe? I mean as a apology for yeah my reindeers...' he laughs 'only if you want to ofcourse, i mean you don't know me....and yeah im just a stranger who appears with his misbehaving reindeers!' He stops and looks at me. 'Im talking to much am i?' I not and laugh. 'I would love too!' i say. He smiles and gives me his phone nummer 'I'll tekst you! But i gotta go though' he nods to the reindeers. I smile 'yes ofcourse!' and then he walks away. I smile and feel my body getting warm. I walk away fast.

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