It begins

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A personal note: If any the cc ever say they are uncomfortable about this book I will tell the others about taking it down. I will personally take down my book though.(You'll have to send me the timestamp cause I'm not interested MCYT anymore and I need proof.) Also before you read there is a very lacking amount of paragraphs. Some poor storytelling because we wrote this without like a huge plan. We had an idea and goal.(Don't kill me Ave and Salem) And random stuff because we used a wheel. 

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Go check out their books!!

Warnings: Blood and Murder

Chapter 1- It Begins


Tango Pov:

I grabbed my axe ready to go chop some trees down from my megabase. It took me a while to find a spruce forest but I finally found one. I chopped trees down for about 2 hours before my head started to get a bit dizzy. I thought It might have been how hot it was outside. So I decided that was good for now and headed back home. I sat down taking a little nap hoping I would feel better after waking up.

-After a While-

I woke up still feeling a bit dizzy. I went to my kitchen and cooked myself some lunch. I sat down and ate it while holding my head. I suddenly got a headache. I just thought it might have been me working so much on the hot sunny day so I didn't think too much of it. I walked outside taking deep breaths of the fresh air to see if that would help. It didn't but it was worth a try I guess. I got my elytra on since today I was planning to meet up with Noah. Noah wanted to hang out since we haven't seen each other in a while because of us working on our bases. It took a while to fly over to where we wanted to meet up.

When I got there Noah was already waiting for who knows how long. "Hey, Noah," I said quietly since it kinda hurt to talk and I didn't feel too well. "You ok Tango?" Noah asked worried about me. "Ye- Just have a small headache," I replied trying not to make Noah scared for my health. "Well... If you say so-," Noah said then bringing me into a hug. "Come on! Let's go have some fun together!" Noah said very excitedly. He opened his wings and waited for me to do the same. Noah has these sparkly lime wings that matched the parrot marks on his face. I opened my wings and flew with him. I usually didn't use my wings since they can easily get hurt but Noah loves flying with me without the elytra. We had fun the rest of the day doing many different things together.

Finally, I went home for the day and went to sleep early. My headache was even worse than this afternoon. It was hard for me to sleep but after a while, I was able to sleep.

-Next Morning-

I woke up and had breakfast like always. Instead of working on my base more I just sat down still feeling ill. For some weird reason, I felt like crying even though I wasn't sad or didn't have any reason to cry. It felt like someone was messing with my emotions without me knowing... Then all of a sudden I felt like I was going to puke. So I ran to the bathroom throwing up blood. *What is happening to me?* I thought. *Did I eat something bad?* I thought, hoping that was the reason. Ever since the Dream Smp said they were going to war with us weird things had been happening. First, weird errors or glitches would happen that we couldn't explain. Xisuma was trying to figure out what was happening but it would always stop at a dead end.

Well, after a while I had to go to a meeting that Xisuma had planned today. I tried acting like I was fine, which was kinda hard since it felt like I couldn't control my own emotions. "OK! Everyone I have brought the Empire onto the server since there is a war starting between us and the Dream Smp. We are splitting everyone up into teams of 4! There will be 10 teams. We already have them picked out so I will say the team number and the people on that team. You guys will group up and head into the forest and start making a camp. This will make it harder for the Dream Smp to track us all down." Xisuma announced to everyone. Everyone nodded, waiting for him to announce the teams next. 

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