chapter 7

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Kyle comes rushing in as he sees Mr. Archer. "Mr. Archer, how could you just leave the mee-"

Me and Kyle meet eye contact. "Ms. Clarke, you're here too." he glances back and forth between me and Mr. Archer.

"Give us a second, Kyle." Mr. Archer dismisses Kyle as he slowly backs out of my office.

"Is there something else you have to say to me, Mr. Archer?" I sit on my desk, thinking we were done.

He takes a step closer. "Be careful with your foot, don't use your foot too much," his hands slide in his pockets. "And be sure to apply the ointment every night," he places his hand on one side on the desk.

Emotions were overflowing in me as my heart thumped louder, bigger, and quicker. What's wrong with me? would be my usual thought but I think I knew was wrong with me.

Something very wrong and critical of me.

His scent was so vague but it smelt so strong like coffee, his addiction of coffee, his scent smelt fresh and gentle on the nose.

He had small dot near his eye that is very faint, he had a few chestnut color freckles, and along with his jet black hair.

"And every morning." he takes the ointment that was on my desk and places it in my hand.

He steps back, heading to the door. "If there's any problem," he opens the door. "I will always be here."

Through the glass walls, I watch as Kyle looks back and forth between Mr. Archer and I, as he sticks beside him, guessing that he's asking what Mr. Archer was doing.

I slowly fall down the side of my desk, looking down at the ointment he placed in my hand. What the heck did I just feel? It felt felt like I was alive, like I was reminded that I'm alive.

It felt good.

I hear my phone, ding, in my purse. I grab my phone and see Jere calling. I think me and him need to talk. "Hey, Jere." I look down at my hand.

"Hey, babe. I'm outside." What.

"What do you mean?"

"Look out your window." I put the ointment in my purse, as I walk to the window.

I see him waving beside his car, in front of the building. "I came to pick up, my baby, from work." he says.

I get my things together as I glance at my heels on my desk. I turn off my computer and leave my office. As I was in the elevator, I did all types of breathing methods as I try to clear my thoughts.

Once I get outside, I pass by Milo and saying goodbye to him as he opens the door for me.

Jere walks up to me and hugs me. Oh.

"Hi," I say somewhat like a question.

He pulls back and he keeps glancing behind me. "Who's that?" he slips his hands into his jacket.

I turn back and see Milo opening doors for these two women leaving the building. "That's Milo. The security man for the main lobby, remember?" I recall, telling him when he used to drop me off and pick me up from work when we first dated.

He just looks at me and walks to the car. And I follow right behind him.

He gets in the car as I open the back seat door, putting in my bag and purse and finally hopping into the passenger side. "Ready?" he puts the car out of park.

"Yeah." I say, sliding on my seat belt.

The first few minutes were quiet as I notice the mood was off after he saw Milo. "So, Jere, I was thinking, we need to talk-"

His phone starts ringing. "Sorry, babe." he accepts the phone call as I just nod. "Hello, this Jeremy."

The phone had gone for the whole car ride. And we had already reached the front of my apartment complex and we were still sitting in the car for him to be done.

I thought I should wait until he's done but he was laughing on the phone and making all sorts of jokes with whoever is on the phone, so I lost my patience and got out. "I'll just go in." I whisper the words.

And he nods and swings his hand as he tells me to go and close the door.

I get my stuff and head on up.

When I reached my floor, I see 'Casey' right outside of the elevator with this man. "Oh! Adrianna, this is Kirk. My new boy-"

"Don't care." I brush past them as I get to my apartment and dropped my things once I get inside.

I slowly realize that my breathing was loud, raspy, and sloppy. I rise my head up and blink away sudden emotion that was unusual to feel suddenly.

Then I hear a small purr coming from my feet and I look and see Harry, going in between my legs. Rubbing his head against my leg as his tail wraps around my leg as he peers up at me.

I smile faintly as I crouch down to Harry. "Hi, Harry..." I pat down his head, using my finger to gently brush in between his eyes.

"How was your day? Was it hard? Did you eat well? It's lonely when you're by yourself, hm?" I ask these ridiculous questions when he's just a cat. Wondering if these are the questions I wanted to be asked.

I hear Harry sniffing around me and he suddenly got closer, purring even louder. His paws then move to my foot and starts making small biscuits. I smile.

I pick up Harry and he immediately hisses when he smells my shoulder. "You hate this scent?" I walk over to the kitchen.

I set Harry down on the counter as I take off my jacket and pulling my hair out of its pony tail. "There? How about now, hm?" I open my arms as Harry stands up with his paws on my arms as he sniffs around my chest.

He just comes in and nudges his head around. I fill his water again before I get into the shower.

Harry usually stays in the bathroom with me and lays on my clothes because it usually comforts him when he smells me. But once I step out of the shower, I notice he's laying on my pants.

I see that he pushed away, especially, my shirt across the floor. I come beside Harry and see him sleeping. He rarely sleeps anywhere beside me usually. "You really like this smell, don't you?" I utter.

Slowly it comes to me while he's specially fond of this certain scent. It's Elliot's scent. The only person who had touched me there today.

And the only other person who touched above my pants was Jere. "So you don't like Jere's smell, huh."

I sit down on the edge of the bathtub as I finished getting dressed. I apply the appointment onto my foot and bandaged how Elliot did. "Want some ice cream?" I ask the cat that stares at me.

* * *

We were sitting on the couch as I, of course, didn't give him ice cream and just gave him his cat treat as I, alone, just ate ice cream after washing Elliot's tie.

Rain started to pour as I watched the window have streaks of rain drops hit the window. But one thing that had distracted me was the sudden news on the TV.

"Elliot Archer, once again was awarded the youngest billionaire, being the founder of Time Advertise. He walks in with stride as he primely accepts the award from Finely Peters. The photo will forever be treasured as two of the best media companies stand on one stage." The news reporter stated as pictures of Mr. Archer appear on the screen.

"Best to be young and rich, isn't that right, Harry?" I nod his treat up and down as he nods.

* .·:·. ✧ ✦ ✧ .·:·. *

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