chapter 10

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In the end, I ordered an uber.

I set down my phone after ordering one for later tonight because I now have to write a report for tomorrow.

That then takes me three hours to write, to add data, compare from last months progress, and to get ready to explain possible questions he's going to ask.

I look down at my watch and see a nice degree angle on my watch. 10 PM.

I manage to not stay over 12 so it was better then ever. I grab my things together, turning off my computer, gathered up the printed reports I have for tomorrow and throw them into my bag.

I lock up my office and turn off the lights as I am always the last one to leave this floor.

I wait for the elevator to come before a buzz comes from my pocket. I open the message and see it's from Jere.

'I'm sorry again, baby. I'll be out of town for Friday for a meeting I have with the executives. I'll promise I'll make up our dinner date next time! Love you always.'

I leave him on read before I step into the elevator.

The fifth time.

The fifth time I get a text of cancellation.

The fifth time my plan I had planned get cancelled.

The fifth time he apologizes.

The fifth time with his 'Love you always'.

The fifth time.

Our relationship is no longer alive.

I, no longer felt alive with Jeremy Potts.

I, no longer had Jeremy Potts in my heart.

I, no longer loved Jeremy Potts.

I've decided that I'm really and finally done.

The elevator finally reaches the lobby as I scan my card and leave the exit.

Milo opens the door for me as soon as he sees me walking towards the door. "Thank you, Milo."

"My pleasure, Anna." he nods with his hat as he closes the door behind me.

But I stop and turn around and knock on the glass door.

Milo opens the door as he holds a confused face. "Yes, Anna?"

"I just need you choose one answer for me, Milo." I say.

"Okay." he listens as he faces his body towards me. "Please ask away, Anna."

"Move on or another chance?" I hold the question very strong as I feel lost with my life.

I know how to work but I don't think I know how to work in my personal life. I don't know anymore.

He looks up and thinks. Once I see his eyes meet mine again, I figured his answer was found. "Move on."

Milo smiled with the corner of his mouth as he told me his answer.

"Thank you." I smile back to him. "Have a good night, Milo."

"Have a good night, Anna." he waves, closing the door.

I've waiting beside the curb for about half an hour and my uber was supposed to arrive around this time.

I glance at my phone and see a cancellation that ringed a while ago and I just haven't seen it. "Thank you." I sighed, walking to a near by bus station that was about a 15 minute walk.

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