chapter 9

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The embarrassment hits me as soon as my eyes open.

What's even more embarrassing is I fell asleep right after; so I was bottomless naked when I woke up, my precious and lovely vibrator laying beside me.

How am I going to face Elliot?

* * *

I get to work and I barely meet anyone's eyes even though I doubt they know what I did last night.

I get in the elevator, slumped against the wall until the door opens. And lucky me, I see Margot and her smiling beamy face.

"You used it, didn't you?"

I slap my hand over her mouth as I pull her inside and quickly pressing the button to close the door as I need to talk to this woman.

She pulls my hand down. "You so used it! So which one did you use? The dildo? The vibrator? Oh! Or the toy with—"

"Margot! I swear..." I meet her devious eyes. "I need you to shut your mouth for one second."

She laughs muffled with my hand over her mouth. " quiet, okay? I'm going to pull my hand away and that mouth should be shut and sealed, okay?"

She nods and holding up an okay sign.

I sigh as I pull my hand away. "So let me at least ask one thing?" I glare at her. "One thing! Just one thing! One thing, I promise!"

I lean back against the elevator wall, putting my hands in my coat pockets. "What?"

"Or maybe two..."

I shoot my glare back at her. "Just two! That's it, okay?!"

I groan.

"Okay, my first one, which one did you use?" I could almost hear her giggle. "Come on, we are both woman and we've known each other for years."

"The..." I clear my throat. "The v-vibrator one." I want to hide.

"That's my favorite one, too!" she nudges me. "That's why I got you that one."

I sigh. "Are you not asking the second one? Because if you don't in the next three seconds, I'm going to—"

"So who did you think of while doing it?" she quickly says.

I get baffled at her sudden question. "I mean, hear me out, we were talking about our frustrated love relationships a few days ago! And I doubt it was Jeremy but I guess you don't necessarily need someone to finish but..." she drags her eyes to me.

"But what?" I glare at her.

"But maybe you did?" she smiles. "Come on, I'll tell you who I think of."

"Like that matters." I chuckle.

"C'mon, work aside, just friends. You and me these past years. With our deep trust and friendship with each other. I'll tell mine and you tell yours. Because I know you're now curious about who I think of."

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