sweet dreams ali

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I slowly came up to the door of the house as it immediately swung open. I saw Sydney’s face appear behind the screen door. Her face was full of concern and I rolled my eyes at her. I was beat and wanted nothing more than the comfort of my bed.

“Where have you been?” Sydney asked me as I walked into the house with my face holding no emotion. She looked at me curiously and sighed.

“Is it true…were you with Ryan?” She sounded hurt and empty. I closed my eyes and winced before answering the question.

“Yeah, I was and I had a really great time, Syd. We are over Desire now and we all know he didn’t want her back in the first place so it is not like he is holding on to somebody else.”

“Yeah, but Ali has he showed you he cared, in the slightest way?” She said, now in a whisper.

“Yes, more than I could ever ask for. I was with him just now and I…”I stopped myself, trying not to sound sappy but didn't give a damn anymore.

“And you just what, Ali?”

“I felt real with him it wasn’t that fake fairytale stuff your parents make you eat up when you’re a kid. It is real Syd, let me have this.” I begged her. She gave me another one of her world famous curious looks before she walked toward me only to give me a hug.

“If you’re happy, then I’m happy Ali.” She muttered in my shoulder, still in my hold. Just then I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I stepped out of Sydney’s grasp and pulled my phone out of my pocket, it was Ryan. I smiled instantly and looked at Sydney.

“Speaking of which,” I said before looking at the text he sent me. It read,

‘Hey, did you get home ok?’ It made me happy that he cares for me so easily, like it is as simple as breathing to him. I pressed reply and typed,

‘Yeah, I am fine. Just heading up to take a nap, yes a nap that is what I desperately need, lol.’ And I hit send. I looked up at Sydney, who moved my phone to her with her telekinesis, the power she got when she figured out she was a wolf. I scowled at her as she giggled, reading the texts Ryan and I had been sending to each other. My phone vibrated once more, making me jump for it eagerly. She started laughing at me before holding out the phone in my direction. I went on my home page and clicked on ‘Messaging’ and then hit ‘Inbox’ I saw Ryan’s name pop up and quickly clicked on it.

‘Lol, well I just wanted to let you know that we are going to dig more into the Patricia Lombardy stuff and when you come we will have an update for you. Is that ok?’ He wrote, as I quickly typed back,

‘Yeah, that’s just fine. I will see you when I get there, bye.’ I pressed send instantly and no more than three seconds later he wrote,

‘Sweet dreams, Ali.’ I smiled and turned the back light off of my Android. Sydney grabbed my phone, yet again and read the messages as her head rose in concern.

“Who is Patricia Lombardy?” Her voice shaky and unstable as my eyes went wide and scared. I forgot that Ryan said something about Patricia. She brought her hands down to her waist, giving me her full attention, but for the first time ever that was not a good thing.

“She…she is-” I muttered trying to find the right words.

“Don’t lie to me Ali. Who is Patricia Lombardy?” She asked again making her voice more aware and broad. It almost scared me. I straightened my back and cleared my throat, ready to explain

I was now In the living room, on the couch with Sydney, as she was now crying her eyes out. She had discovered the truth about Patricia and learned that a person was probably out to kill me. Trying to end the line with me and capture the dagger. She learned that the dagger was only activated with a specific pearl that needed to be found. She knew everything I knew…she knew I could die. I begged her not to inform anybody else with this discovery. I didn’t want anyone to be worried about me with all of this rouge extinction stuff going on. She agreed as long as when I went to Ryan’s house that she was going too, to learn and to help with anything that she could. I agreed to that and headed to my room.

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