The Math test

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•Maxs POV•
There was a test in math class today and El did my test for me, which the teacher was okay with since she knew I was blind. I could hear a group of kids talking about me behind me in class "if you have something to say about me say it to my face not behind my back" I exclaimed and then everyone talking about me shut their mouths thank god. Somehow El got As for both of us on our tests I think she used her powers but I can't be exactly sure she did so I decided not to say anything.

<The end of class>

I decided to try rolling myself out of the class so I wouldn't look completely helpless and I managed to successfully get out of the class safely. Me and El were talking the entire time I rolled myself around the halls to our next class which was art. due to me being blind and not knowing what I'm doing the teacher always says I make "amazing works of art" but I don't even know what I'm making that is so amazing to the teacher although I wish I did.

•Mikes POV•
I seen Max rolling herself around the school safely and I was happy for her because that showed that she was getting her strength back which was a good thing. "Hey frog face!" I heard someone shout I just knew it was Troy so I tried my best to ignore it but he kept saying it over and over again which annoyed the hell out of me and yet I still ignored it. As I was approaching my second class of the day Troy stopped me "don't think you can just ignore me and I'll leave you alone frog face you should know by now that it won't work" he stated "shut up and leave me alone Troy I'm just trying to focus on school" I replied and surprisingly he left me alone after I said that.

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