At school once again

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•Max's POV•
"Happy birthday Max!" Everyone in the party shouted as me and Mike arrived at school "birthday? yes, happy? Not this year" I responded "why?" They asked "because I started the day feeling nauseous and I vomited once, and I couldn't miss school today due to feeling ill because I can only miss 1-2 days of school per week and I already missed 2 days of school this week" I answered "I can sense something but I don't know what it is yet" El said "okay let me know when you find out" I responded and El nodded. I cuddled up to Mike and he cuddled me in return. I started feeling nauseous again and rushed to the bathroom and vomited.  I returned and El came up to me "I'm not sure but I might've figured out what I was sensing before but since I'm not sure I'm going to wait until I know for sure before I say what I think it is" she whispered in my ear  "okay" I responded in a whisper.

•Els POV•
I couldn't help but think I was sensing a baby inside Max but I didn't know if I was right yet or not I had to be sure of it before I told her. "El you seem sidetracked" Lucas said "uh yeah I'm just thinking about something" I replied "okay well we'll let you know what we talked about when you're done thinking" he said "alright" I responded. I wanted to tell Max but I didn't want to scare her and then not even be right. I just needed to observe things a bit more before I said anything. "Babe we should get going to class" I heard Mike say to Max "yeah I can't be late today because I just want to get this day over and done with" she responded and since I had the same class as them I decided to go to class with them.

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