004 : Skipping stones,Earthquake alert and more

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The scene starts with a look at a lake. There is a young boy standing near the edge of the water. He's wearing some rather old-fashioned outfit. He reaches down and picks up a stone.

'I wonder who that is.' Naruto says to the group. He gets no response.

'This time I'll reach it for sure.' But before he can throw the stone another stone flies past. It skips a couple of times on the water before making it to the other side. The boy looks behind him to see who threw the stone.

Behind him is another boy, the difference being his ridiculous haircut. 'Just aim it a little higher than you would expect.' The boy smiles. 'That's the trick.'

'He looks ridiculous.' Neji doesn't laugh but if he was any less stiff he would've.

'This might be the first fragment we see of the past.' Shikamaru says. There are plenty others that agree with him.

'Why?' Naruto asks.

'Look at their clothes. That's not something we wear nowadays.' Naruto takes another good look and finds himself agreeing with the other boy. It doesn't change the fact that the second boy's hairstyle is awful.

The first boy looks at the other in disgust. 'I don't need you to tell me that. It will reach the other side if I put my all into it!' He turns to look at the other boy. 'Who the hell are you anyway?'

The other boy hums. 'Right now, I'm just your rival at stone skipping.' The boy smirks. 'Though mine has reached the other side.'

There is a moment of silence before an older voice starts narrating. 'That was the first time I encountered Uchiha Madara.' There is another pause in which they look at the boys from above.

'Who's speaking?' Sakura asks the others around her. No one can answer that question without getting to look at the person. But with the words spoken they can rule out a good amount of people.

'Why is there a narrator?' Fugaku instead asks. But he too is met with silence. A narrator would suggest that this is story being told rather than something happening in the present.

'From what he said we can conclude that the first boy is Madara.' Shikaku says. The others agree.

'I asked who you are!' the boy named Madara shouts at the other.

'It's Hashirama. I can't tell you my last name due to reasons.' Hashirama laughs at the other.

'Are we witnessing a legendary moment or what?' Shisui mutters. He's heard about it. It's one of the great stories that always get told around festivities but to see it happen in front of him is certainly something else. There is a lot less embellishment.

'I think we are.' Itachi stares at the screen, eyes not leaving it for a second. He too must be a little taken.

'Hashirama, eh?' Madara turns to face the river again. He gets himself ready to throw the stone. 'Just watch. I'm gonna make it this time.' He reaches his arm back and throws the stone with a familiar sound.

The way he throws... it's the shuriken jutsu! Hashirama thinks. The stone that has been thrown doesn't make it all the way to the other side. Instead it disappears in the flowing river.

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