Moving In

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*Ashley's P.O.V.*

I woke up to people yelling at each other and some bodies arms wrapped around me. 'Oh yeah...' I remembered Harry and Louis had slept over. I sighed and slipped out if his arms, not caring if he woke up or not. I slipped my slippers back on and shuffled downstairs into the kitchen, almost tripping over Peyton's parents stuff. I only saw Louis, and he was cooking bacon. "Where's Peyton?" I asked him, not caring that I was still in my pajamas and had bed head. I didn't care about a lot stuff right now.

"She went to see why Zayn and Niall were yelling at each other," He turned around and I noticed he had different clothes on than he did last night. I shook my head, and then it hit me that he said more people were in the house.

"Ugh.. There's more of you?!" I groaned, grabbing the plate he was handing out to me.

He laughed, "Yup," Popping the 'p'. As soon as he said that, Harry walked downstairs in just red and black plaid pajama pants. 'Wow..his tattoos are pretty hot...and that bed head... Wait..! I did not just think that...' I kept my face as emotionless as I could as I looked down at my plate, eating my bacon.

"Mornin'" He mumbled. I waved a little with my fork and kept looking down. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he grabbed a plate of bacon and sat down beside me. At that moment, Peyton walked in. I watched in disgust as Louis snuck up behind her and wrap his arms around her. I've always thought the thought of love was pretty disgusting. I shook my head and continued eating my bacon. I looked around at all of Peyton's parents stuff and looked back at her. She grabbed some bacon and ran out back for some reason. There was an awkward silence until Harry broke it. "You really are head over heels for her, aren't you?" I watched Louis I between the strands of my bangs that I let fall in my face.

"Yea, I think I am," He smiled towards the door. Right then, Peyton skipped back in and Louis quickly looked back at the frying bacon.

"Hey Pey, I was thinking. Should't we get our own place? I mean, we are 18, and we wouldn't be tripping over all of your parents stuff all the time," I pointed out.

She nodded, "I guess that'd be a good idea, but do we have enough money saved up?"

I thought about that for a minute, but Louis broke my thoughts, "You could come stay with us! You know... until you get enough money," I widened my eyes and looked at Peyton, giving her a death glare.

She just smiled like mad and nodded her head, "Sounds great!"

I sighed and walked upstairs, "Well, I better get packing. Again,"

I stopped at the top of the stairs as I heard Louis ask, "Does she hate us or something?"

"It's not had Louis, it's's not for me to tell," She stammered.

I leaned up against the wall and put my head in my hands, just relaxing for a minute. I heard Louis and Peyton start flirting again and someone coming up the steps. I quickly dodged into my room and started putting my stuff in the boxes I had kept, luckily. I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and thought, 'Can't they leave me alone for one minute?' I stood up and opened the door.

"Do you need help, or anything? Louis told me to come ask," He seemed nervous. I looked down and shook my head, "No I'm fine, but shouldn't you go find some clothes or something?" I pointed at his naked chest and pajama pants.

He laughed, "Oh yeah..I'll - I'll go do that," He stuttered, walking away. I shook my head and closed the door. I looked down at my own pajamas and walked over to my closet. I grabbed my blue and grey, plaid shirt, my skinny jeans, and my black Converse, and changed. When I was done, I started packing again.

I got three boxes done and most my stuff packed when someone else knocked on my door. "Come in!"

"We finished packing my room and I already called Mom and Dad and told them we're moving out," I heard Peyton say.

I turned around, "You're already done?! I only have half my stuff packed!" I looked around in disbelief at all the stuff I still had to pack.

"I'll have the guys come help," and with that, Peyton jogged off, and the next thing I knew, I was in a room with four boys who I despised who were helping me pack to move into their house. Lucky me.


When we finally finished packing, it was already 9:30PM. Louis had drove his car over so, me and Peyton were putting our boxes in the trunk when I started getting really cold. "Ugh, it's so cold!" I whined to Peyton, "I wish I hadn't packed at least one jacket..." I mumbled.

"Well, it is fall," She gave me a serious look and I shot her a glare, then we busted up laughing. She always made smart remarks then we'd just laugh over it.

When we got all the stuff into the car, we all piled in and Louis drove us to their house, and I ended up having to sit in Niall's lap since he was the smallest, he was the only one I liked, a little. Half way there, Niall started tickling me and I had a laughing fit. He wouldn't stop until we got to the house and I jumped out of the car. "No more!" I yelled, since, just like Peyton's parents house, we were in the middle of nowhere.

"I win! Now give me food!" He threw his arms in the air and I laughed. Louis unlocked the door to their huge house. Niall ran to the kitchen and I laughed.

"Well, we only have one empty guest room," Louis mentioned, walking up a spiral staircase and opening the door to a huge room with chairs and everything.

"Fancy," I mumbled, walking in and sitting my bags on the bed. "Where are you staying, Pey?" I asked her, noticing she was walking away.

"I thought I'd go stay with Louis, and give you your own room," She smiled and walked away with him. I shook my head and shut the door as I started unpacking boxes. I only unpacked my clothes, and changed back into my sleeping shorts and a black tank top when I finished unpacking. I snuggled into the warm bed and fell fast asleep.

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