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So, i feel bad about kind of leaving this story just incomplete for like four months, so I'm starting it up again. I've got some ideas that are flowing around in my cerebrum. This chapters gonna be pretty short but I also added a picture of Ashley on the first chapter and one of Pey on the second one. Stay Strong and Carpe Diem.


*Peytons P.O.V.*

"We've been drivng for hours! This is hopeless," I mumbled, putting my face in my hands. I heard Louis sigh and his phone rang. I jumped up and grabbed it before Louis could. "Hello," I didn't even look at the caller ID. "Peyton, we found them! Tell Louis they're at the campground we used to go to," Thank God it wasn't one of those toll free calls. I would have been pissed. I told Louis and he seemed to know where to go. He turned around and sped toward the campground.

*Ashleys P.O.V.*

I sat beside Harry on the log, playing with my nails. "I'm hungry," I mumbled, looking around. "I know, so am I, I wish we would have brought something," Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him. We sat like that for a couple minutes, enjoying the sounds around us. It was fairly soothing, considering we're lost in the woods. I guess its a plus. Probably the only good thing about being lost. I heard noises in the woods coming toward us. I looked up and then at Harry. He put a finger up to his mouth. "Guys, over here!" A familiar voice yelled. "Ashley!" Peyton's brown hair popped out of the edge of the woods and bolted towards me. I jumped up and hugged her tightly. "Don't you ever just leave me like that!" We pulled away.

"My turn!" Niall ran over and picked me up, hugging my waist. I laughed and softly hugged him. "Don't ever run off with Harry! He'll get you lost," He smiled, putting me back down.

I gave him a smile and Louis walked over to me, "Now, about my drinks-"

"She didn't know they were your secret stash Louis, calm down," Harry said, pulling away from the hug him and Liam were in.

"But I can't be mad at you, Harry!" Louis whined, hugging him.

We all laughed and Peyton linked her arm with mine, "To Nandos?"  

"To Nandos!" Everyone shouted.

We all walked back to the cars and Harry turned to me, "Found it!"

I laughed and everybody gave us questioning looks. I got into Harry's car.

We got to Nando's ten minutes later. Harry, Niall and I decided to share the Wing Platter. Peyton, Louis, Zayn, and Liam got the Jumbo Platter. I dipped my chicken wing in Harry's ranch and stuck my tongue out at him when he gave me a playful glare. I heard the door ring and looked back. Perrie's heels clicked towards us. I smiled at her and she returned it.

"Oh my god, you two are okay!" She hugged me when I stood up.

I nodded and pulled out the empty seat next to mine, covering my mouth before swallowing. "Sit, sit." I motioned to the chair. She sat down softly, tucking her skirt beneath her, smiling as Zayn kissed her cheek. She leaned across the table and ruffled Harry's hair.

"At least you took care of her. She looks like she's all in one piece," Perrie smiled, turning her attention to Peyton. Her smile turned sympathetic. I watched as Peyton swallowed hard and nodded. It got eerily quiet.

"How about you girls go out! Spend some time together," Niall piped up.

"That sounds great!" Perrie stood back up, grabbing a chicken wing. I nodded and grabbed Peyton's hand, following Perrie out to her little car.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

We all watched as the girls walked out, the door swinging shut behind them. "Okay, I have to tell you guys something," I turned towards them. "Our manager called, he said we're supposed to your with Ed again,"

Louis' eyes got wide, "When?!"

"Next week. In the U.S." I replied, pushing around my chicken with the fork Ashley left behind.

The lads groaned.

"Well isn't this just wonderful! We can't just leave the girls alone! Ashley's seventeen and Peyton's just Sixteen, its not safe!" Louis raged.

I nodded, understanding completely why he was mad. 

"How about we reschedule it? We can do that, right?" Liam said softly.

"No, the dates and venues are already set up and reserved. It's too late to change them now," Zayn mumbled, messing with his hair.

"Well, looks like we're going on tour," Harry mumbled, standing up. We all followed him out the door and to our cars, then back to the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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