The Movie

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*Still Ashley's P.O.V.*

All through the movie Harry was texting me. Peyton and Louis decided 'we' were going to watch another movie. I was tired of texting Harry and invited him over. I didn't tell Louis and Peyton he was coming, and I told him our address. When the doorbell rang, I jumped up and ran for it. Peyton looked at me confused, then she understood.

"Hey Harry were all watching a movie up stairs, come on," Before he could say anything, I turned and ran up the stairs. He came in and sat on my bed and we sat quietly there until Louis paused the movie and looked at me weird. I stuck my tongue out at him and he pressed play.

Once the movie ended, me and Harry were the only ones awake. We decided that they could stay the night, so I woke up Peyton.

"I don't wanna get up..." She whined.

"Come on love, we'll to to your room." Louis stated, and she whined again. To my surprise Louis bent down and picked her up.

"Which room is hers?" He asked.

"The one across the hall." I said, pointing to the door, then they left. I let Harry have my bed and I started to crawl into my sleeping bag. Harry came over and picked me up and put me in my bed and laid down beside me. My eyes got wide as he put his arm around my waist. 'IM GOING TO KILL PEYTON!!!!'

*Peyton's P.O.V.*

Louis picked me up and carried me into my room and laid me on my bed. He started to lay in the floor when I stopped him.

"Louis, come up here?" I asked.

"No love, its your bed." He said. I got up and laid by him on the floor. He gave me a weird look and I just smiled. Then he put his arm around my waist and I put my head on his shoulder. He started singing 'Moments' and right before I fell asleep he asked if we could do something tomorrow and I nodded my head 'yes'. Then I was out.

When I woke up, Louis was gone so I went over to my closet and changed into my stripped shirt and orange stripped suspenders. I had on my neon orange skinny jeans and black vans.

I was hungry, so I went down stairs and smelt bacon. I ran to the kitchen and Louis was there. I thought he went home. Oh crap! I forgot to fix my hair. Oh well, he'll get over it. When he noticed me his jaw dropped and he was giving me a 1 over. He was wearing his world famous striped shirt and red suspenders and my orange vans. Wait, did I just say 'my'?

"Why are you wearing my vans?" I asked.

"Oh these are yours? I thought they were mine oops." He said with a 'I hope she believed that' look on his face.

"No, there not," I laughed, "And when did you change? You don't have any clothes here," I asked and he looked down at his clothes.

"I went home and changed." He said. Then I heard someone yelling from upstairs. I thought it was Ashley and Harry but when I got up there, Zayn was yelling at Niall for eating his bacon. Wait... WHAT?! 4/5 BOYS OF ONE DIRECTION ARE IN MY HOUSE?!?!?!

"Hey guys do you know where Liam is?" I asked calmly. How am I doing this? I should be fan girling!

"Why do you need Liam?" Zayn asked.

"To calm you two down!" I yelled. They both looked at each other with worried looks. "I was kidding, but know that I have your attention, Zayn you can have more bacon," He then ran straight for the kitchen. I swear I think he jumped over all the stairs. I looked back at Niall and he was staring at me. "What?" I asked him.

"Your perfect for Lou, and he really does like you," Niall said which made me blush madly. "Oh does some one have a crush on Lou?"

I raised my hand "Me over here I do!" I said then smiled which made him laugh then he mumbled, "Perfect for Lou," Then he went down to the kitchen.

I just stood there for awhile until I felt someones arms wrap around me and pick me up. I screamed."I thought you were hungry?" Asked the familiar voice.

"Well you thought wrong!" I yelled and then my stomach growled. "I've been caught!" Then Louis put me down and I ran to the kitchen. When I walked in Harry and Ashley were sitting by each other. I grabbed some bacon and ran outside. I saw Liam setting up for a bonfire. "Whatchya doin?" I asked as I ran up to him. He reached over and grabbed a piece of my bacon.

"Eating bacon, duh!" He said. I gave him a weird look and pointed to the pile of sticks in front of him. "Oh that, I'm building a bonfire for tonight. Oh, and Ashley said your parents called her and their staying in a hotel tonight." Well that answered my question.

AN:Ashley my tablet shattered:(

A/N: To Peyton: Awww :c what'd you do?

AN:I picked up haley and then put her down and she fell on it

AN: Oh wow lmao xD

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