Louis Tomilinson

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*Peyton's P.O.V.*

Once we got home I was tired and told Ashley I was going to go take a nap, then I went to my room and crashed into my warm bed.

When I woke up I didn't know where I was. I looked around and noticed I was on the floor. I instantly got a headache and went down to the kitchen to get some 'pain reliever'. When I looked at the clock I noticed it was already 1:37 in the Morning!!!! I remembered that Mom and Dad went to visit my aunt and uncle who lived in Birmingham. I went and got changed for a 'late night walk around'. I was wearing a black tank top with blood red stripes down the sides and my black skinny jeans and high tops.

I pulled out my iPod once I reached the end of the drive way and put on my walking song 'The A Team'. I always listen to this song because it makes me feel like I can fly. After a few minutes of walking I've seen a grand total of one car. Wow exciting! Note the sarcasm.

About 5 minutes later I saw a house with lights on. Then I realized I had no idea how to get home. Hmmm... idea. I walked up to the door and knocked. "I've got it!" I heard a voice from inside say. I shivered right when the door started to opened. Note to self: wear a jacket next time! "Oh my god! Are you cold?!" The boy asked, pulling me in the house.

"Hey! You're the carrot girl!" Louis excitedly said.

"Yeah I am," I was shaking from being outside so long as he shut the door.

"Do you want some tea?" he asked proudly. Then I realised I wasn't fan girling. Weird!!!

"Yuupppp" I said popping the 'P'. I shivered again and then I said "Its cold," He nodded his head to show that he was agreeing with me and handed me Harry's 'Jack Wills' hoodie. I quickly pulled it on.

"So what brings you here.." He asked, scratching his head.

"Peyton, and I just moved here and decided to go on a walk and ended up getting lost. Then I saw the lights on and I thought you might be able to help." He nodded, understandingly and motioned for me to come closer to him. I shivered again and walked forward. Then out of nowhere he pulled me close to him. 'Oh my god...' I thought. He hugged me.

"I'll go get you that tea." I nodded and he went threw a door that I guessed led to the kitchen. Then I heard him talking to some one. "Oh my god Harry, the carrot girl is here.

"Oh, that girl you met at the store and fell head over heels for?" The other guy I guessed was Harry said.

"Yes her!" 'Oh my god... Does this mean he likes me? No, he's a world famous pop star. He can have any girl he wants, but could this mean he wants me..?' I thought. Just then, Harry walked in with my tea. I thanked him, then he handed me an envelope. It said, 'To The Red Haired Girl' on the front.

Before he could say anything, I just nodded, "Yes, I'll give it to her," I smiled at him. He nodded his head to show his appreciation, when Louis walked in eating a carrot and he handed me one. Harry started to go up the stairs but I stopped him and asked for his phone. He handed it to me slowly but I gave him a look and he handed it faster. I put in Ashleys number. 'She's going to kill me for this! But oh well, she'll live. Oh other than the fact that she hates them...' I laughed at the thought.

"So....." I said to Louis as he sat down on the couch beside me. I handed him his phone back.

"We could watch a movie?" He said while getting up to pick one out. "So paranormal activity or.....paranormal activity?" He asked.

"Um...oh god I get so stressed in these situations. I pick paranormal activity," I replied with the most serious face I could, then we burst out laughing.

"What? What did I miss?" Harry asked as he jogged down the stairs. I started to laugh again and Harry looked at me like I was crazy. I laughed again and jumped when the movie started playing out of nowhere.

Once the movie got to the part where the guy put baby powder on the floor, I snuggled up into Louis' arms and fell asleep. Harry came back down stairs. "You really do love her, don't you?" He said to Louis. I laid there quietly, waiting to see what he would say.

"Yes, I really do, and I really want her to be mine," He said to my surprise. I stopped breathing from the excitement and he noticed. "Oh my god, Peyton wake up!" Then I sat up very quickly and started breathing again. He still looked worried, so I smiled warmly at him and he smiled back. Then I heard my iPod go off. I pulled it out and it was from Ash.




I'm fine, I'll be home in a few;)

I looked at the time it was already 3:26 AM. I needed to leave. "Hey Louis will you walk me home?" I asked him. He let out a slight whimper and nodded. "Thanks, Ashley is getting worried. Bye Harry! I'll see you soon," I said as me and Louis walked out the door.

"Peyton, why did you stop breathing back there?" He I asked me. 'I can't tell him what I heard umm......I'll make something up,' I panicked.

"I was having a nightmare," I calmly said. 'A nightmare? Um... Play it cool...'

"About what?" He asked me and I stopped and looked at him.

"It was about you telling me you hated me and never wanted to see me again," I looked down at my shoes and he lifted up my head. He gave me a look. I looked away but he still had his fingers on my chin.

"Hey, look at me," I looked up and his eyes were staring into mine. "I could never do that to you Peyton," He then pulled me into a hug I put my arms around him. My iPod went off again, ruining the moment.


Should I call her? Oh wait am I interupting something? ;)

"When did I get Harrys' number?" I asked as I looked up at Louis.

"I put our numbers in there and I gave him yours. I'm waiting for you to text me before I get it," He said then turned a light pink color. I smiled at him and he smiled back and took my hand into his. Thank god he didn't look because I was blushing hardcore.

"This is it," I said as we got to the end of the drive way. He gave me another hug and turned around and started to leave. "Wait!" I yelled after him. "I mean umm... Why don't you come in and meet Ashley!"

The Carrot That Changed Louis Life (One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now