Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: No. Just no.

Kakashi: In author speak this means "I do not own Naruto. No matter how much I want (and intend to) rape Kakashi. (Trust me. I really intend to.)"

Me: He speaks LIES! LIES I TELL YOU. Lies......... lies.(continues muttering lies over and over.)




Ryuu POV

I snuggled deeper into the sheets. Sheets? Where am I? Opening my eyes I realise I'm in the room I share with Kakashi at Tazuna's. I sit up and feel extremely light when I realise my weights are gone. I didn't go to sleep in a abed either.

As I ponder this I remember I took Kakashi here using the telportation Jutsu, then collapsed from chakra depletion. I guess kakashi put me on the bed and took my weights off for me. I hope he wont ask questions.

Thinking of Kakashi *Where is he?* Nathan asked finishing my thought for me as ye woke up. "I don't know but we need to leave. Today is the day of the second fight with Zabuza." I informed Nathan.

*Oh shit! Hurry!* Nathan said in my head as I rushed to but my weights on. I grabbed my katana and sped out the door. I began out running before remembering that I could teleport. My chakra was replenished enough to do so.

I did the Jutsu and appeared beside Tazuna. Sasuke and Haku had began to fight like their supposed to but this time was different, there was a girl beside Zabuza that hadn't been there before.

*Maybe she wasn't in the anime?* Nathan suggested. "Or maybe we are changing things." I stated grimly silencing Nathan with my tone. The girl threw senbon at me and I pulled out a kunai to deflect.

Sasuke and Haku didn't notice however. "Kakashi I will fight this girl." I told him. He consented reluctantly.

"Who is this kakashi? He wasn't here last time." Zabuza questioned.

"Ryuu Kawazoe is my name Zabuza. I like your sword. I hate your legwarmers. Now have fun dying." I told Zabuza walking away from everyone else and gesturing for the girl to follow.

I ignored the two talking as the girl approached me about ten feet away, tending for fight. Instead of attacking her I relaxed my position. "What is your name?" I asked her, genuinely curious. *Are you crazy? Shes trying to kill us!* Nathan said angrily.

'And?' I thought to him. *You arr crazy aren't you?* 'what was your first clue? The voice in my head? Or was it the 'perverted closet of doom'?' I asked sarcastically.

"My name is Chiaki Akimoto. Your Ryuu Kawazoe right?" The girl, Chiaki, spoke.

"Correct. May I ask why you fight for Zabuza?" I responded.

"Haku is my brother. Why so many questions?" She questioned in kind wary of a trap.

"I know about everyone but you." I told her.

"I guess that makes sense. Now lets fight." Chiaki spoke. I readied my blades and agreed with her, waiting.

"Sasuke is the number one rookies in our village. Sakura is one of the cleverest Genin. Naruto is the loudest most surprising knucklehead in the village. Ryuu is uhm... strange." I heard Kakashi's voice ring through the air.

I stand up straight, momentarily distracted. *Or so they think. Hehehee.* "Strange? Really Kakashi?" I said. Kakashi chuckled and scratched his neck sheepishly, before trying to warn me of Chiakis oncoming attack. She charged at me with a kunai and I easily blocked her attack with Cosmos.

She took advantage of my unblocked right side and jabbed me with a kunai. I kicked her backwards and she formed the handsign for Demonic Ice Mirrors. So soon? I did my best to block the oncoming needles but a few hit me.

*Are you okay?* Nathan asked me. 'I'm fine and I have an idea.' I thought to him. *Don't get yourself killed.* he requested. "No promises." I muttered aloud. Each Chiako in the mirrors paused and the real one said "huh". I used this ti figure her location and purposely faced the opposite direction.

Time to expirement with my chakra natures. I channeled some chakra into Pyro and at first all the blade did was get a little warmer. I increased my output a tad and the blade burst into flames. Once that happened it was simple to increase the heat and turn the fire blue. The hottest flame.

I then used my black hole chakra on Cosmos and crossed my two blades. The blue flames were sucked into Cosmos. I created more before throwing both of my blades at a mirror. The mirror melted and caused a chain reaction.

As Chiako was preoccupied with the melting mirrors I used my speed and ran over scooping up my blades, panting. Chiako let the mirrors fall and rushed me with a kunai. She disappeared before reappearing in front of me.

I stumbled back and she swiped at my neck. I closed my eyes waiting for her to kill me but when I opened them again Nathan was in front of ne holding her wrist. I recognized him because, well............. I created him. I think. I am pretty sure he is just a dorm of ky subconscious.

"I don't know either! Just kill her already!" Nathan shouted at me holding her off as I pondered psychology.

"Oh right. Gomenasai." I said slitting her neck with a kunai. Chiakos eyes dulled and she joined her brother in heaven. I smiled and turned to everyone else. Zabuza was still alive and Gatou had just arrived.

"Zabuza, I am sorry I had to do that. She is with Haku and you will be joining her soon. I see you know this already however." I said to Zabuza. He nodded unsurely and Naruto gave him a kunai.

I turned from the scene of him getting stabbed. I may have killed Chiako but she knew it was coming after she saw her brother die. Chiako welcomed death. I laid on the ground and let things play out, watching the sky.

I then used Mt black hole chakra

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