Chapter 21

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but if I did... well I think you guys know the rest!

Jiraiya: Aw come on! I was going to use this to publish in my new book!

Kakashi: Hows this? *Grabs me and kisses me dramatically*

Jiraiya:Good good. Now slowly take her clothes off!

Me: OI! Lets just get back to the story. *whispers to Kakashi* We will continue this later.


Ryuu Pov

The next day we went back to Konoha and Nathan stayed in my head for most of the time. We both find we are more comfortable (and more entertained in his case) of he just stays in his space in my imagination. Which is frequently invaded by unicorns and things by the way.

One we arrived at the gates everyone parted ways, except for me and Kakashi. He needed to report the mission and decided it was time to fess up to the Hokage. I of course protested greatly.

"No! I don't wanna!" I yelled as Kakashi held me by the arm. He began to drag me and I started to freak. I almost pulled my katana out and chopped his arm off. *Mercy, just leave it. You don't preally think the Hokages going to kill you? He is too old anyhow.* Nathan told me reassuringly.

'Fine.' I told him reluctantly in my head. Instead of protesting against Kakashi I went limp and layer on the ground. *I thought you would go?* Nathan asked. 'I am but that doesn't mean I wont make it difficult.' I thought to him and he laughed.

Kakashi grabbed my arms and tried to drag me through the street but I wouldn't budge. People began to stare, looking at a grown shinobi trying and failing to drag a teenager somewhere. I stayed limp until Guy showed up, making me tense.

"Kakashi my ultimate rival will you- what are you doing? He doesn't look youthful at all." Guy said looking at me laying on the ground. I glared at Kakashi silently, hoping he wouldn't say anything.

"Wha- Oh its you. Hey Guy." He said before continuing to try and drag me.

"What are you doing? Is this a challenge?! " Guy said. Kakashi looked like he toy an idea. *Oh shit. You're in trouble now.* Nathan told me.

"Yeah Guy. I am trying to see who can bring him to the Hokages faster. Why don't you try?" Kakashi said, knowing full well Guy could do it. Guy approached me quickly and I watched him warily.

Guy leaned down to pick me up. I jumped up. "Hell no bitch! You're scary!" I yelled and bolted away before teleporting under my bed. As I ran I faintly heard Kakashi say he won.

Soon Kakashi found me and I teleported away again. This time I went to the top of the Hokage mountain. As soon as I got up there I was grabbed... by Guy. He held my hands behind me.

Kakashi showed up and I twisted around and kicked Guy in the face. *Ouch. Better luck next time.* I got back up and tried to run away. Guy ran and tackled me at the same time Kakashi did. Now I am under a pile of man flesh... Great.

*Underneath Kakashi yes. Guy, no*Nathan said. I love having a bisexual dude in my head. Kakashi grabbed me in a headlock and teleported to the Hokages office. Unfortunately Guy was still hanging onto my leg.

We appeared in his room which was already occupied by Kurenai and Asuma. The decontrol time I poorer into the Hokages office but this time I am not surrounded by Anbu. Instead its Jounins with incredulous expressions.

Guy stood op and let go of my leg and Kakashi loosened the headlock he had me in. Guy began to talk about how unyouthful I was so I twisted out of Kakashi's headlock and gently punched him. I then proceeded to punch Guy in the face.

"That was for making me do this." I said yo Kakashi, referring to punching him.

"That was for scaring me turtle man." I said to Guy, before running and hiding behind Asuma.

"Kakashi, Ryuu.......Guy? Why are you here?" Asked the Hokage. Kakashi began to answer as I ran and knocked out Guy with the hilt of Mania. He fell to the ground and I ran back to my hiding spot.

"Well Ryuu and I needed to talk to you about our mission and some certain events that happened." Kakashi explained.

"Who is this Kakashi-san?" Asuma asked about me.

"That's Ryuu, ie is one of my students." Kakashi informed him.

"You have four students?" Kurenai exclaimed, surprised.

"Yeah more like five though since he-mmf!" I covered Kakashi's mouth before he could tell about Nathan.

"You Baka Kakashi! You almost told!" I said angry.

"Aaahhh. Asuma, Kurenai would you leave please? I need to speak with these two." The Hokage said.

"Of course Hokage-sama." Said Asuma. They bowed respectively before leaving.

"So what is it you need to tell me?" The Hokage questioned. I let go of Kakashis mouth and tried to go sulk but Kakashi held on to my arm. I pouted as he sweatdropped. First Kakashi explained how the mission went and how it may have been A ranked.

The Hokage nodded before asking why I needed to be here. "I will explain this." I told Kakashi, stepping.g forwards.

"First is my chakra natures. They are fire, mania and black holes. I don't know how or why. Second I have a voice in my head that's not a voice anymore. Nathan?" I said and Nathan poofed in.

"Yo." He said waving. The Hokagae looked surprised by his appearance.

"He somehow appeared outside of my mind when I was fighting and saved my life." I said honestly.

"Up until that moment he was only a voice in ky head, I knew his appearance because he was a part of my imagination. " I explained.

"Well that explained the fear of experiments." Said the Hokage, breaking the awkward silence. I nodded.

"Is there anything else?" He asked calmly taking in all the information. I shook my head. Kakashi smiled...... I think?

"Yeah he did." Nathan said answering my unspoken question. I grinned, Mg mood better now.

"Y-youthful." Muttered Gig in his sleep. I forgot he was still here.

"Ashy yes. Could you wake him up?" The third questioned.

"Nathan." I said smirking and Nathan passed me some tape. I pulled some out with a mischievious look on my face, I walked over to Guy. I put some tape on his eyebrows, then ripped it off pulling out hair. Gig moved his arm but otherwise stayed asleep.

I shrugged my shoulders before Nathan disappeared into my head and I teleported away.

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