Authors Note

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Alright guys, I am back. I wrote this fanfiction when I was 13. I am 17 now and still getting notifications even when I am way passed this chapter of my life. I am rewriting this. Its gonna take a while, but I am so done with this misunderstood strange plotline of mine that I have no choice but to fix it. There are a lot of key things that are gonna change. 

1) I am considering changing the fact that this is a kakashi love story, however due to some comments I might keep it. That was during a really hard time in my life where all I wanted was love, and he was the only character I could believe in. Just tell me what you think!

2) Ryuu may not be what you expect and they definitely won't be as overpowered. I have a lot more in depth understanding now of what I want Ryuu to be portrayed as and you may like it and you may not but I am writing this for myself.

3) This likely won't even be a love story. Its gonna be about Ryuu finding themself, because thats what it was really supposed to be about in the first place. Escaping their hated reality and finding hope in a new world. I just didn't underdstand back then that you didn't need romantic love to find happiness.

4) You may notice that I am referring to Ryuu as they. Ryuu's self discovery is going to include discovering siome stuff about their gender, because there is not enough representation of people conflicted in that manner as there should be.

5) The plot is not definite. It will change and I really don't have a plan now. But really, message me and tell what you think or even tell me where you want to see this go because even though I am writing this for myself I want to see what you guys think.

And with that, wish me luck. I am going to need it.

-Your author

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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