Chapter 29

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Disclaimer: So Nathan says no rapping this time... I guess I will have to be plain old boring...normal. So fine, I'll do as he wants. (no matter how painful)


Kakashi: Get on what? *perverted giggle*

Me: You obviously.

Kakashi: Sounds like fun.

Ryuu: I am sorry... but did somebody say threesome?

Sakura: No?

Me & Kakashi: Yes.

Nathan: Since 666DeadlyNightshade doesn't have a normal sense or common sense. I will do this for her while she is busy with Kakashi and Ryuu.

Me: Damn straight!

Nathan: Your perverted author, 666DeadlyNightshde, does not own Naruto. However she does own me and Kakashi. Goodbye aand goodnight.


Ryuu Pov

My match hasn't come up yet, but Sakura is fighting right now. "Go Sakura!" I yelled. I do like the girl, in a short time she has become my bestfriend and knows nearly everything about me. She is the only one who knows I am a girl and I like that she hasn't told anyone. Excluding her mother.

I know Sakura wouldn't win, but too bad because I feel like being nice. Soon enough the match ended and we all waited eagerly for the next one.

The bakes that came up on the screen were 'Thomas vs Ryuu'. So I'm next huh? And that name makes ne think of my friend Thomas from the real world. He was actually my only friend.

* I miss him. He spoke to me, through you of course. but still my point is valid.* Nathan told me. 'I wish it was him' I thought to Nathan. Thomas was cool. He didn't think I was nuts when I told him about Nathan. AND he was a fellow Otaku.

After speaking to Nathan I dropped down into the ring and in front of me was Thomas. Of course. Guess he got transported too. "Thomas!" I said running over and glomping him. He stumbled but stayed standing.

"Mercy?" He said and I grinned pulling away.

"Its Ryuu now. So you came here too?" I questioned.

"Not exactly. but I will explain later. Now we should fight." Thomas told me as Hayate coughed awkwardly.

"Well then lets-" Bagatelle began but was interrupted.

"Exscuse ne for a moment. Ryuu, you can't use Nathan to fight with." The Hokage said, to my displeasure.

"what does he mean? And how would you USE Nathan?" Thomas questioned. I smirked.

"Tell you later." I told him. I backed away and got into a fighting stance. Hayate told us to begin and immediately Thomas attacked.

"Super fist of the food: Ramen Boogers." He yelled shooting ramen out of his nose. I laughed and jumped away.

"We have a lot to talk about now Thomas." I shouted dodging his ramen Boogers whip. He dropped the ramen and started another attack.

"Super fist of the food: Cream dream" Whip cream spewed everywhere. I knew I should have eaten breakfast.

"Katon: Goukakyu no Jutsu." I shot a fireball that burned away the whip cream, leaving a smell of burnt sugar. Thomas was nowhere in sight. *Behind you!* Nathan said inside my head.

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