Chapter 26

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Disclaimer: Me no own Naruto. Misashis it be. But rape time soooooooon. KAKASHI!

Naruto: Awwwwwwwkwwwaaarrrrd...


Ryuu Pov (skipping to day of Chuunin Exams)

'Nathan hurry up and come on.' I thought to the Baka in my head. *I don't wanna!* Nathan responded childishly. 'Would you rather me do the exams by myself?' I questioned. *No.* 'THEN COMEON!' I yelled in my head.

Nathan is currently in a closet in my head trying to find the perfect outfit as I walk to where the exams will be held. Kami, he takes longer than me. AND I AM A GIRL! *A girl everyone believes is a boy.*

'Fuck you.' I thought to Nathan. *That's Kakashis job. And I am ready.* He told me curtly, as I arrived on the second floor. Nathan appeared in front of me and spun. He wore black pants with normal ninja shoes. He also had a hunter green vneck shirt with fishnet sleeves underneath and black fingerless gloves.

'Looking good.' I thought to him before nodding and walking down the hall. We watched frlm the back of the crowd as Sasuke strutted up and showed off. "UNICORNS HAVE GLITTERY BARF!" Nathan screamed. I glowered at him.

"What? I wanted to stop duckbutt from showing off." Nathan shrugged innocently. Hah, like he has an innocent bone in his body.

"I heard that but its very true. Unfortunately you are a lot less innocent than I am." Nathan told me.

"Pfft." I snorted looking away.

"Oh yeah. Wasn't I going to murderer you?" I questioned. Nathan shook his head quickly.

"Well I am now." I said grinning dangerously before tackling him. I was in the middle of strangling him when Sakura hit me on the head.

"Sakuraaaaa." I moaned standing up.

"You're making a fool of yourself. Both of you." She said glaring daggers at Nathan and I.

"Well then... Bye!" I said grabbing Nathanael collar and teleporting to the classroom for the written exams. I poofed in and....... Everyone glared at Nathan and I. I ignored them choosing to focus on Nathan thinking, 'Do it again and I make the Unicorns barf on you.'

When I thought that Nathan got unexpectedly excited. "Yay! Glitter!"he yelled as Team 7 entered. I facepalmed. "Dumbass." I muttered. I looked up and saw seriously everyone, EVERYONES eye twitch.

I couldn't help it, I smiled. Okay, I snorted. Fine, I chuckled. Alright, I full out laughed my ass on the floor with Nathan. Thankfully everyone underestimated us and turned their attention to the rookies 9.

I finally recovered from my laughing fit as Kabuto showed up. I went over sliding myself into the conversation. Sasuke was naming who he wanted info on and he surprisingly named me as well.

"Sasuke? If you wanted to know about me why didn't you just ask? I doubt this bastard will know anything. And do take offends to that Kabuto." I said tossing a glare at Kabuto. *I wonder if we should ask him how Orochimarus snake tastes?* Nathan asked me through thought. I snickered.

Kabuto named Lee and Gaara first but I didn't listen since both me and Nathan know everything about them. *A bit dockyard there huh?* Nathan taunted. "Damn right I am Nathan." I said aloud. Kabuto threw a suspicious glance at me before announcing my card.

"Ryuu Kawazoe, male. Excels in Taijutsu, ninjutsu and a bit lacking in genjutsu. Done mostly D ranks a few C. Eyes change color and a voice in his head? What the hell?" Kabuto said and I smiled.

"You don't have very much info on me, to be quite honest. All you have is obvious, bit I wonder bow you know about the voice. Hmm. Anyway, have fun being sick Yakushi Kabuto." I stated stepping away so I could watch in enjoyment.

"You my friend are a sadistic." Nathan whispered in my ear.

"Speaking of sadism I see." Said a creepy voice. I saw Ibiki out of the corner of my eye.

"Ibiki." I greeted. He widened his eyes just a little bit before disappearing to the front of the class in order to break up the sound nin fight. "Alright maggots line up and get your number." He yelled. I got my number and I was in the back beside Nathan.

When we got our tests I immediately began to write. Just nit answers. Instead I wrote lyrics to Save tonight by Eagle eye cherry. By the time I was done and remembered every line it was time for the 10th questioned.

Nathan switched our papaers to see what I wrote and chuckled. *Of course.* he thought to me. I smirked and looked at his paper. I deadpanned. He illustrated one of our memories which involved me meditating and the cookie monster and a unicorn of course.

It was actually well done. I chortled as I recalled the memory. I think the unicorn had to stab Nathan and I had to karate chop the cookie monster. Nathan also ate all of my cookies. "Dick." I muttered.

He winked at me grinning outright. Naruto began giving his speech and I was writing on Nathans test. Nathan was also writing the same thing as me. We wrote: Be careful, and watch out for snakes. Especially power hungry ones.

I finished and tucked my pencil in my pocket. Just because I like pencils. Now to face the forest of Death. I hope I don't die.

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