Day off🩻 (Spicy🤭)

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                          ____Y/N's POV____
I opened my eyes slightly. My head was on something soft, not a pillow but... CONNOR'S THIGH?! I sat up quickly and Connor opened his eyes. I put my hand on my head.
-"Agh, I feel like shit." Connor turned over to me and rubbed my back like he had at the back bar last night... Last night...
-"Connor, what the hell happened last night? Why are you here?" His LED flashed yellow and then back to blue before he answered.
-"Um...We drank a bit and watched a movie... And talked... About..." He paused "Things." I cocked my eyebrow.
-"What things?.." I asked suspiciously. He waited before answering, he was thinking.
-"You asked me if um..." His face brightened with a light blue.
"If I... Never mind... It's not important." I sighed. I'll ask him later. Ugh I feel like shit. I think i'm gonna barf. I got up and walked to the bathroom; leaning over the toilet and puking. Connor walked in to see if I was okay.
-"Are you alright lieutenant?" He asked me.
I hold my pointer finger up at him, telling him to hold on. He stood patiently while i gagged in the toilet before I stood up and flushed the toilet, I washed my mouth with water from the sink to get the nasty taste out of my mouth. I turn to Connor.
-"Im fine, thanks Connor." He slightly smiled and nodded.
"Im gonna take a shower and try to get better" I told him before he responded with
-"Okay." Connor said before he walked back out of the bathroom. I started the shower and turned the temperature up.
                            __Connor's POV__
I heard the shower turn on and sat on the couch to take a moment and think about what had happened last night. I had never seen Lieutenant like that before... I guess I... Liked it? Is this a problem with my programming? Why am I feeling this way... It's not right. When she laid on my lap last night after asking those questions... I felt strange.
"Oh hello P/N" I smiled at P/N, who was rubbing on my calf and got on the floor to play with him/her.
After about 10 minutes of playing with P/N, Lieutenant walked out of the bathroom in a towel. I glaced at her and then looked back at P/N. She walked to her room and then about 5 minutes later came out in shorts and that same low cut tank top... I looked down at her chest, I couldn't look away, I don't know why...
-"Connor?.. Connor I'm talking to you!" I snap my head up at Lieutenant
-"O-Oh yes! Sorry lieutenant..." She smiled and said
-"You don't have to call me 'Lieutenant' you know. You can just call me Y/N or N/N." I smiled ever so slightly.
-"Okay Y/N." She continued what she was going to say when I was... Distracted.
-"Anyway; do you wanna help me make breakfast?" She asked, I don't think she knew what time it was.
-"Um, Y/N, it's 12:37." She furrowed her eyebrows
-"Oh...Well then- Do you want to help me make brunch?" I chuckled
-"Sure Y/N." Y/N walked happily to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and grabbed out bacon and eggs before I interrupted,
-"Um Y/N..." She looked at me and waited for me to finish my sentence, "I can't cook. It's not in my program." She giggled and smirked cockily
-"Watch and learn." She took a pan from the pot hanger above the sink and set it on the stove, turning on the burner as well. She turned to me,
-"So first you need to cook the bacon on low and let it simmer. You always need to cook the bacon before the eggs because the eggs should cook in the bacon grease to add flavor."
__Y/N's POV__
I could see his LED flash yellow, showing that he was listening and understanding. I continued,
-"So once the bacon isn't pink or raw anymore, you scoop it out of the pan with a spatula." I said while I acted out what I was saying. Connor nodded and I grabbed a egg out of the cartridge, cracking it on the side of the pan and plopping it in the pan.
-"That seems simple." Connor said, smiling slightly.
-"It is!" I replied "Just wait a few minutes before flipping the egg and then after that, it's ready to eat." I said happily. Connor chuckled.
-"Okay, I can do that."
I then let Connor try to cook bacon and eggs. We sat down to eat the food we made, Connor ate the plate of food that I made and I ate his.
-"Connor this is actually really good." I said; taking a bite. Connor added,
-"Yours looks really good too Y/N. I can't taste it but I imagine it tastes delicious." I chuckled,
-"Thanks Connor." He nodded.
__Connor's POV__
Once we finished eating, Y/N suggested that we get to know eachother, I agreed. We sat on the couch facing eachother, Dr. Phil on the TV for background noise.
"So Connor...What's your favorite animal?" She asked me,
-"I don't really have a favorite animal, but I like dogs." I could help but smile a bit; thinking about how cute dogs are. I asked Y/N the next question,
-"Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?"
Y/N relaxed, taking a sip of her coffee that she still had from brunch.
-"Sure Connor." She replied before I continued,
"Why did you ask about my dick last night?" She choked on her coffee
-"Why did I what?!" She set her coffee down and sat up.
-"Oh, forgive me. Last night, you asked if I had extra parts and if it worked the same." I said, trying not be obvious about me being embarrassed about it.
__Y/N's POV__
Holy shit! Did I really say that? Ugh that's so embarrassing! That's so weird!
-"Ugh fuck, I'm so sorry Connor I don't know why the hell I'd say that." Connor sat for a moment, looking at his lap,
-"Don't worry Y/N... I um...I didn't mind..." after he said that, I could feel my face heat up. Connor continued,
-"You didn't answer my first question." he chuckled.
I was kind of taken back by the way Connor was acting.
-"O-Oh um I don't know... Just curious?" I said, avoiding eye contact. Connor smirked slightly and looked at me.
-"Curious?.." He said with a seductive voice. I felt my face go red. Was Connor flirting with me?! I didn't even know androids could do that! I mean I'm not complaining...
-"Connor... Are- Are you flirting with me?.." Connor's LED flashed yellow
-"Is it bad? I'm sorry Y/N I just thought it was the appropriate time a-and, I couldn't help it-" He looked so adorable, stuttering. I interrupted Connor,
-"Connor. It's cute... I liked it." I said the last part a bit quieter. Connor smiled.
-"I'm glad you like it." I noticed Connor looking at my lips. Was he thinking what I was thinking? I hope he was, because I leaned in closely to his face and turned my head slightly, he did the same and his soft lips pressed against mine. He cuffed my cheek with his smooth hand. Holy fuck. This is actually happening. I don't know what to do! Connor pulled away,
-"I'm so sorry Y/N, I don't know what came over me. It must be an error in my software."
                              __Connor's POV__

                             -Software instability- ^^^

What am I doing?! I cant be doing this. This doesn't portray to the mission. But damn it, it feels so good.
-"Don't worry Connor. You're doing just fine." Y/N said, sliding putting her hand up my thigh and kissing me again. This feels so nice. I've never felt like this before. I sort of felt like this last night, but I do now more than then. I put my hands on her hips. I know how to do these sort of things, because Cyberlife installed the information into my system in case I needed it for a mission. Y/N flinched slightly at my touch, she sat on my lap and I slowly started kissing down her neck. I looked up at her,
-"Is this okay?" I asked for reassurance. She nodded and smiled a bit,
-"More Connor..." I was a bit surprised by her saying this, but still complied. I left a hickey or two. I loved being intimate with Lieutenant, but had to stop when there was a knock at the front door. Y/N gasped slightly and got off of my lap, wiping off her's and walking to the front door; before opening it, turns to me and says,
"Act natural." I nodded and she opened the door to see Lieutenant Anderson standing there,
"Oh hey Hank..."

(1541 words)

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