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originally published december 31, 2022

request: I had a writing idea for steven/Marc. I more or less live in a fanfic fantasy most of the time and I been wondering. What if the reader had been dating steven, knows about his alters but haven't met them, and one night. You're sleeping at his place and you just see moonknight himself walk in the door before changing back to Marc. And not only is that the first meeting marc but the reader is terrified bc scary masked man is actually boyfriend? And I am at a loss of what would happen in the hours and days after seeing that. I found you on wattpad and love your work - valatheapprentice

pairing: steven grant x fem!reader x marc spector

summary: you have yet to meet steven's other half, but when you see him on accident after coming home from a mission, you realize you can't keep this game up anymore.

word count: 1,110

warnings?: pet name (love), not proofread

It wasn't often that you stayed over at Steven's flat

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It wasn't often that you stayed over at Steven's flat. While Steven had learned that his sleeping disorder was actually DID and the reason he'd wake up with days completely missing was because Marc had been fronting, he was still nervous about you being there. Marc knew of you, and he knew you were dating Steven. But you had never met him. Steven worried about what might happen if you and him went to sleep together and you woke up in Marc's arms. Would you freak out? Would he? Would it be a complete recipe for disaster? Whatever it would end up being, you and Steven decided to keep you staying over to a minimum until you and Marc were introduced and at least comfortable enough for the morning awkwardness.

This weekend, however, had been an exception. Marc had apparently promised Steven that he wouldn't front for the entire weekend, letting Steven have some much needed time with you. And it had been completely lovely. You and Steven went to a new restaurant that had opened up nearby. You watched cheesy romance movies. You snuggled up on the couch as Steven read. You had the most amazing sex before falling asleep in his arms.

But now...Now it was weird.

It was one in the morning when you woke up to a half-empty bed. Steven was nowhere to be found. Shit. As you looked around, trying to find any sign of where he might of been, you realized the two of you fucked up by not making Khonshu promise to leave the two of you alone. Fuck that stupid pigeon.

You let out a sigh, stumbling to the kitchen. Well, you weren't going to go back to sleep so easily. You were to pissed at the pigeon to go back to sleep. Might as well make yourself a snack or something, maybe tune into some cheesy show. So, you made yourself a sandwich, sank into the couch cushions, and turned on Gilmore Girls.

Halfway into Paris's meltdown from not getting into Harvard, the door creaked open. You were immediately on your feet, ready to take Steven into your arms, kiss him better from the stupid shit Khonshu put him through. But the man in front of you...That was not Steven. Steven wore the white suit, not the armor that looked like it had been wrapped in mummy bandages.


The mask melted away, revealing the face you were oh so familiar with but just a slight bit different. Marc's face was tenser, like he was holding everything back. It was so strange to see the man you loved look so different, act so different.


"Love?" The armor melted away, and Marc went with it. Steven stumbled forward, taking you in his arms. "I'm so sorry. Khonshu needed us, and Marc was better for the mission, and I didn't think you would wake up before we got back and I'm so sorry—"

"Shh, it's okay. Let's just go back to bed, okay?"

You didn't see Marc again for a week. You didn't hear from him, either. It was strange. Even though you'd never formally met the guy, Steven usually kept you updated on how Marc was doing. Now, it was like it was before, when neither you nor Steven had any idea Marc ever existed.

When you tried to breach the topic with Steven, he would stammer and stumble over his words until he redirected the conversation to how big of a bitch Donna is or how he found this new book he was dying to read or literally any other topic of conversation that didn't involve Marc.

At this point, it was pissing you off. Why were they acting like this? Why was Marc avoiding you? Before, you understood. You had never really met him, and he wanted to give you time with Steven. But now, now you had seen him, spoke to him. How could he keep hiding? You didn't have to see the guy everyday. You just wanted to have a conversation with him, clear the air and all that. And why was Steven aiding Marc in his hiding? Steven had always been gung ho about the two of you eventually meeting. Now that you kind of sort of had met, he was helping Marc run away? What the fuck was up with that?

You decided the only course of action was to surprise them, to catch them off guard. So, you went to Steven's flat when you figured that Marc might be fronting. And, oh, you were right.

"Uhh—" Marc stammered when he opened the door to see you.

"Don't go," you said. "I just wanna talk about what happened the other night."

Marc swallowed hard but nodded, letting you into the flat. You went to sit on the couch, Marc taking a seat on the other end. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"I just wanted to finally talk to you. I mean, you're part of Steven. I fully want to spend the rest of my life with Steven. But I don't know how this is gonna work if we never meet. I don't expect us to be more than just acquaintances. We don't have to be friends or anything like that. I just want us to be able to get along well enough for Steven's sake, you know? Because that man adores you, and I know it hurts him for us to keep avoiding this."

Marc sucked in a breath. "I don't wanna keep hurting Steven, either. I just...I didn't know how to talk to you."

You frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Steven, he loves you so much. He thinks you hung all the stars in the sky. And I...I was terrified that I was going to screw things up for Steven if I ever, you know, tried to talk to you. I couldn't do that to him. Not when he loves you so much." Marc looked away. "All I've wanted for him is the best, and I know you're the best woman he ever could be with. If I was the one who ruined that for him, I'd never forgive myself."

You scooted closer, reaching out and grabbing his hand, giving it a squeeze. "You couldn't scare me away even if you tried."

"Not even showing up in the middle of the night in Khonshu's ceremonial armor?"

"Not even then." You gave his hand another squeeze. "Now, how about we order some pizza, put something on the TV, and just try to get to know each other, okay? No running, no hiding."

Marc smiled ever so slightly. "That'd be great."

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