Extra: Enza Meets Taylor's Brother

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Enza's POV

I nervously fuss with my hair in the mirror, stress eating at my bottom lip as I hurry to get ready. For the past three hours I've been scrambling around my house, trying to look my best to meet Taylor's brother.

   The fucking Lord Earth Faerie of the entire Kingdom. He handles the Earth Faerie training for the entire Royal Army, approves local Training, leveling and taxes. He's the most respected Leader in the entire Kingdom. Even with his status as one of the most powerful men in Kaulike, there are still stories being told of his younger days as a solider.

   And he just so happens to be related to my fucking Chain. I tuck my hair behind my pointed ears, wishing I could retract my long nails, the ends sharper than I'd like.

   Being half Incubus has never made me very welcome around Faeries. The entire species is built around divine supremacy and purity. And as far as they are concerned, I am less than trash. I am an abomination. Not only do I have diluted blood, it's marred by Nightlies blood. I am not pure. I am not good. I am not welcome in the eyes of our Goddess Mother because my father's soulmate happened to be a Succubus.

   Their hypocrisy sickens me.

  I had always thought about running away especially after what happened two years ago. Just disappearing into the wild and live off the land like the Faeries before us. Before we settled and became so vile and conceited. Before we valued purity over love.

   I sigh and rub my temples, trying to stop my thoughts of spiraling.

   Today is an important day, I need to forget about the rest. I just want to impress his brother enough so that he doesn't try to force Taylor to leave me.

   Even if that means that one day, I'm going to be wrapped up in the politics, lies and hate that keep our kingdom running.

   "You don't meet a lot of self loathing Faeries." I hear behind me, and I roll my eyes, ignoring my twin as she comes to hop onto the counter next me. 

  "Well, we're Hybrids so I guess I can be an exception." I shrug cheekily and she smacks my arm lightly. I see her gaze soften and she hand settles softly on my arm.

    "Za Za, you don't have to worry about changing yourself to make his brother like you. Fuck him, be yourself. And if your boy toy doesn't agree then fuck him too. You're beautiful inside and out, and don't let anyone, especially not a self righteous bastard make you feel otherwise. So do your make up, pick a better outfit and show up in style and with pride. You're half sex demon. Use it to your advantage even if you want." She shrugs carelessly and all I can do is laugh as I throw my arms around her. As ridiculous and crazy as she might be, she always knows what to say to make me feel better.

   "Thanks, Fi. But I told you to stop calling me that, we aren't kids anymore I know you know how to pronounce my name." I scold Fiona but she just rolls her eyes at me and flips out her phone.

   "Whatever you say, Za Za. Make sure you text me periodically so I know I don't need to go in there and hand Mr. Earth Faerie a can of whoop ass." She threatens lightly as she taps away happily on her phone. I laugh to myself and shake my head before going to take her advice, applying a light natural make up look before pulling my hair up. I choose some sleek black dress pants and a gorgeous golden blouse. I find a pair of brown boots and a scarf to pair it with and put it all together, twirling before Fi to get her approval.

   "enough for approval, hot enough to fuck. Smart call, now get it moving before you're late." Her slightly, permanently bored voice only amused me as she hops off the counter and follows me through the house, helping me gather my things in a small purse.

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