Alex & James Experiment

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James' POV

I dodge the punch Alex throws at me, staying light on my feet as I tumble to the ground, using the momentum to knock Alex onto his knees. He stumbles, falling on his back, but before I can pin him, he's back on his feet, spinning around to kick me in my chest. My Super speed allows me to dodge at the last second, but I' not fast enough, the tip of his shoe grazing my chest and causing me to stumble backwards.

I take a second to regain myself, spitting out the blood that pooped into my mouth after Alex's last successful punch.

Forgot to worry about the asshole's kicks too.

"Ready to hand over the title of Alpha?" Alex mocks, smirking and I shake my head at him, used to his habit of trying to bait me into losing focus and control. A tactic that has yet to succeed.

  "Fuck you, pry it from my cold dead hands." I mock back, knowing that Alex would never challenge my for the title of Alpha. Not only would I fully beat his ass, but the stupid wolf barely even wants the Beta no matter how much the both of our families try to convince him.

He just loved giving me shit of course.

Alex goes to lunge at me, going for my midsection, I evade his attempt and elbow the wolf between the rib cage with a satisfying thwack.

Alex groans and immediately goes down, bitching about the pain. I chuckle as I go to walk inside his house, his backyard always the perfect spot for training. Especially away from the old man. "Cheater." Alex grumbles as he hoists himself up and I just roll my eyes as I walk up the steps to the porch and inside the back door, the cool AC feeling heavenly after training in the burning July sun.

And wolves like Incubi, are highly susceptible to any type of heat or fire whether it be magic or natural.

  We head straight towards the kitchen, finding the house strangely quiet since an hour ago the sounds of the rest of his family watching TV filled the space.

I reach the refrigerator first and immediately grab a bottle of water as well as a jug of lemonade, needing to replenish my water supply but also seeking something a little sweet and refreshing. Alex grabs some cups and start pouring out the lemonade as I get out a bottle of water for him as well. I open my own and down it in less than a minute, my breathing finally slowing now that the water helped cool me down. I grab a glass of lemonade as Alex goes in search for his family. "Bri!" He calls while standing at the kitchen door way, an ear facing the hallway in hopes of catching an answering yell.

  What we don't expect is for Briana, Alex's little sister, to come around the corner, her locs having grown to her shoulders, the tweleve year old causing the both of us to jump.

  "What?" She asks, clearly annoyed to be bothered. The idea makes me chuckle. Briana has always been a sort of spunky that made old school parents livid and assholes like me laugh. And I do much to her confusion when she pins me with an even more annoyed stare.

  'Well, excuse me.' Sloan scoffs, offended by her preteen attitude.

  "Where's mom and dad. And where are you going?" He asks when as he notices the bookbag strapped to her back. Bri rolls her eyes at her brother right as the doorbell rings. My eyes fly up in confusion but Bri just sighs.

  "You really don't listen. Mom and Dad are going to the Council meeting and my friends are coming to get me so we can go to the movies and out to eat." She says in the most "duh" monotone voice I've ever heard. Looking close to strangling his baby sister, Alex just shakes his head and pulls his wallet out, handing his sister two twenties that instantly makes her smile.

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