Jasper's First Crush

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Jasper's POV

I walk along happily in the gardens, the warm sun shining down on my face as I tilt it back towards the sun. The feeling of the friendly hello from nature makes me smile.

Mother always says that we Faeries have the best connection with Nature and should do everything we can to protect it.

It's more beautiful than people throughout any species and should be cherished above all else. That and the Will of Fae that flows through my soul. She said that's why I'm going to be King one day. So I try to be in nature as much as possible even though my Advisors and Attendants try to stick me within the castle walls with boring lessons and dusty books. I'd rather be training out in the courtyard with Master Carl and my sister, but since I'm first in line, books are my main priority of training until I turn sixteen in another two years. Another annoying thing about being the First Prince.

I play with the small stream that flows through the Royal Gardens, pulling a fish out of the water using magic, creating a little bubble for him to swim in as I float him along side me. I laugh to myself, throwing the fish up in the air before catching it with magic again, laughing at the fishes terrified expression. I lower it back into the stream and it swims away quickly gaining another laugh from me.

While nature is beautiful it's also very entertaining.

I'm still chuckling to myself when I come across a small clearing in the gardens, the lawn and fountain in the center of it surrounded by large hedges that tower over eight feet, beautiful vines and flowers adoring the living walls.

As I peer into the clearing from the one opening along the southern part of the circle, I notice a boy in the middle trying to use magic, but with nothing happening as he pants harshly, I can tell that while he's trying miserably he's failing. I notice his dark hair and red brown eyes as he wipes the sweat from his forehead. His clothing is fine, but his jacket is thrown into the ground haphazardly so I don't know which house he belongs to.

I watch as he thrusts his hands into the air, grunting and cursing as he repeats the motion. I watch him, intently, studying his movements before I realize that he's trying to use fire magic, my specialty. My ears redden and I feel my heart beat quicken when I think about going up to the boy to help him. His dark Fire Faerie features are attractive, his pointed ears coming into view when he goes to wipe his brow of sweat.

As if he senses me, he goes to turn around. I have enough time to duck out of the way, but I clench my fist and force myself to step forward, annoying nerves punching me in the stomach. I don't even get this nervous with girls.

I walk up to the panting boy, who's surprisingly taller than me, and I realize that he's probably a little older as well.

"You're Prince Jasper right?" The boy asks me, and I almost ask how he knows who I am, when I remember that every Faerie in the kingdom probably knows who I am. With tinted ears and feeling like an idiot I nod. He goes to bow, peaking up at me through his long lashes and it makes my heart feel funny, causing me to avoid my eyes in modesty. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Damien. My father is the consultant to Lord Kelvon." I vaguely recognize the name of the Lord of Fire, though who his parents are don't really concern me much.

"We're you trying to do fire magic just then?" I ask, changing the subject. He doesn't seem to mind, though the topic of magic seems to put him on edge. He turns and sits down on the edge of the large fountain in the middle of the clearing before he answers.

My cheeks redden as I realize the unsaid invitation, and sit on the bench beside him, sitting closer than usual, though he doesn't move away. Shame fills me just a little when I think about the fact that he's older and that we as Faeries are shamed against having unmated relations, but I brush them away, enjoying the warmth of liking someone.

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