History Extra: Celeste Visits the Mortal Realm

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Celeste's POV

~12,000 Years Ago

I stumble through the portal for the second time, the first place I landed a world of traps and magic that left me open to death on more than one occasion.

The land I found was supposed to be one of dreams and magic. Instead it was filled with suffering and misery. The Devils played a mean trick and switched the signs.

That's the reason things are as desperate as they are hopeless.

It has to be the reason.

But even as my brain thinks it, I know it's not true, even as the portal spits me out into a chest deep lake, my legs stumbling beneath me barely able to right myself in the five foot water, before catching a mouthful of water in my mouth. Breathing hard and a little embarrassed, I clear my throat and straighten myself, the small market that bustled merely a few dozen yards away from the shoreline shocking as I start to make my way there.

I can't feel an ounce of mana from these beings, that I can tell are all around me, though none of them speak or even draw near. The few kneeling beings around the water stay in the strange positions and stare silently. I can tell there's a reverence surrounding the Mirror Lake, a long used portal for everyone to travel between realms, though this portal seems underused. Shrines and worshippers surrounding the waters though I notice no one dares touch it.

In fact, as I begin to raise from the water, I notice that people start to scream or cry, muttering in languages I don't understand. More people begin to gather from the near Market, drawn by the commotions and I notice a few people even bowing as they mutter their little words. I find it amusing as I raise myself from the water. Their clothes are heavy and concealing of their natural beauty, their vessels hidden behind animal furs and other things. I myself simply where a white tunic, the thin fabric turning to a sheer sheet from the water, the tunic clinging to my skin uncomfortably as I rise above the waves.

Annoyed with the staring and wanting to explore this strange land people call the 'Mortal Realm', I summon a flame that I allow to consume me.

I almost jump from my skin as the small crowd that has gathered gasps and screams, many going to rush forward but seeming almost repelled by the water that still wades to the middle of my calf. In moments, I'm dry and stepping from the water, the fire dying out almost as quickly as it was lit. There's cheers and cries of words I don't understand as I reach the land, and I find people surrounding me, touching me, reaching to just brush against my hair, my arms, my face.

The touches are gentle.



The softest hands and grazes I've ever received offered by strangers.

This land surprises me, but brings me an unexpected joy and reverence that I've only witnessed from the very back of crowd on Mt. Olympus when the Gods graced us with their presence.

I made my way towards the market, shocked when several of those around the lake go to follow me, a respectful three feet behind as I go to push through the thin grass and cross onto a well worn path that splits towards the two sides of the Market. I decide to go left first, staring at all the odd and strange things that are sold, some people standing, putting things in their mouth that I suppose is food, but unlike anything I've seen in the Divine Realm.

This Mortal Realm is beautiful.

There are trees and animals and flowers and all the things the Gods put so much work into crafting. Their art is alive in its beauty. In its existence. Is it their love that ignites our spark and allows our hearts to feel so full, yet so empty? Is it their hate? Why have they created this world, allowed us these lives if it was meant to be suffering?

Or maybe you have to find the happiness.

Because this place is a happiness and a peace I have never known. For days I stay, sleeping with a growing crowd where almost no one looks alike. More and more people visit the water, and still, no one touches it. I keep hearing the same sounds again and again, and I'm assuming they're talking about me and the lake. I hear things like "Goddess." and "Heaven." and "Sacred." And I see a lot of people praying. All the time, in fact. A lot of people ask me to pray with them. I just close my eyes and allow their confusing words to wash over the world.

I'm not sure exactly what it is I'm doing, but they seem to be happy when I give them just a few moments.

They bring me food, spices and pieces of gems unlike any I've ever seen.

Everyone here is so kind.

So warm.

So giving.

Who knew there was a world such as this one?

Who knew someone as nothing as me could ever feel so loved and important? Wouldn't it be amazing if everyone in the world was assured a happy ending. No matter who you were, to know that one day you would be promised happiness and love and this warmth that seems to gather from the inside out.

It's beautiful.

And one day, my dream is to find a way to share that with everyone. That feeling of belonging and need. I want to share it.

With a sudden passion and spirit, I rise up from my spot by the large lake, stepping atop the boulders that rest along the southern sands.

"Here me! I know you suffer! I know that while you show me joy, you suffer as those from my home do. I am not strong enough now, but one day I will gather the power I need to come back and bring onto you the joy you have given me tenfold. Thank you for your kindness. Remember my name and hear me. I am Celeste and I shall return to you. Wait for me here and I shall deliver onto you peace for all your suffering." I tell them, wanting my voice to carry over the lake to the others.

Not everyone understands me, but there's are that do and they celebrate, their cries in tongues I don't understand raising others to their feet until they're all singing and dancing, their tears salting the earth and watering their souls.

A burden seems to settle itself on my shoulders, one of responsibility. To give these people the peace and sound of mind they have brought me. For I know what I need to do. I will become the strongest person in the five Realms. I will master all magic, and power until I can turn this Mortal Realm into the utopia I always wanted and knew we all deserved.

People are lost right now.

But given time, I'll be there to guide them all.

I lower myself from the rocks and step into the water, wading into the mana filled water, repeating the Realm I wish to travel to inwardly as I keep walking until my head is covered.

I shall return.

I will fix it all.

Alright you guys this is Celeste's beginning towards her descent into madness and power. She still believes she's on this pure path towards a utopia. We'll just have to see about that ourselves.



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