Extra: Remastered BNO

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Alex's POV

I watch, my brow arched and a little smearing of jealousy rumbling around in my chest, as James prolongs the sappiest goodbye ever. I roll my eyes as James groans again, complaining about the fact that I'm dragging him out against his will away from his little Cody-bear. Though from the tired but loving expression in his face, as well as the pleasing look he gave me yesterday when I suggested it, I can tell that Cody needs a little space away from James smothering him. Ever since we rescued Cody, James has barely left his side.

At first it was sweet. Now it's down right annoying, for everybody. With Cody not getting a moment to himself and Zee and I having to pick up all their slack at the Pack House, he's been driving us all fucking crazy. Especially now when there's been an increase of reports from all over the pack with crime from petty thefts to rape skyrocketing. In all my years in this pack there's only been five rapes here on the pack lands. There's been twice as many in six weeks.

It's all getting worse than we could have predicted when this all started a few weeks back.

I shake thoughts of work out of my head, smiling as James finally walks towards me, a huge pout on his lips that I happily ignore as I gesture grandly for him to lead the way outside.

Cody catches my arm before I leave and gives me a small tired smile. "Thank you, for taking him out. Make sure he has some fun okay? Go a little crazy." He tells me with a small shrug, and I laugh, before nodding, giving him a hug and a kiss on the head before following James to the car. When he sees the act he gasps loudly before glaring, stomping past me, grumbling underneath his breath as he walks back up the stairs to his house and gives Cody a long deep kiss that has me looking away.

He rejoins me and I finally hear the words he's tossing as me, amused and in awe of the love that he has for Cody. "Stupid fucking wolf. Think you're going to be the last person to kiss my bean? I think the fuck not." He scoffs to himself causing me to laugh.

"Alright let's go. We're heading to a new bar in Ameden, but it's close to Vilin so it should be a decent spot." I tell him, warning him that we'll be in Enchanted Territory.

I see the way James' lip curls just the slightest, years of conditioning to hate Nightlies sometimes seemingly impossible to shake off. With my parents gone, I find myself struggling not to fall prey into stereotypes and judgment. But most often than not lately, I've been failing. Part of the reason why I chose this club was to get myself out of my comfort zone and stop being so damn stiff and judgmental when it comes to Nightlies. Especially Enchanted and Daemon. Those are the Species mom always said needed the most love and support from Divine Communities.

But just as soon as the look appeared, it's gone, James' usual easy smile back in its place.

"Alright. Then that's where we're headed." He assures me and the two of us take off, relying on our super speed to get us there faster than any vehicle the humans can come up with. Not that cars don't come in handy in disgusting weather. It's only in ten minutes than we're slowing down our run, coming to a stop a block away from the new club. Even from here you can feel and hear the dancing music and the drunken laughs of pool players having a good time.

I grin, excited for some excitement and fun. Who knows just how much trouble we can get into tonight.


Ares' POV

Graves gives me his best, bitch please look, as I tell him for the tenth time that I have no interest in checking out the new Hybrids bar that opened near the border.

What I do care about, is the Enchanted Games that are getting ready for start in two hours, and if I'm not there for role call, any points I win will be slashed in half.

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