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Bobal's Pov

I was minding my own business while I was watching an action movie in the living room like usual until I saw Bob and Bosip walk in as they were both excited. I looked at them. "What's gotten you two in a good mood?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.
"Didn't you hear?! Amor's sister is coming over for the weekend!" Bob exclaimed excitedly.
"Wait, what?" I asked as I was confused. "Amor has a sister?"
"You didn't hear?" Bosip asked. "Amor literally has a sister."
"Well, I'm glad that he has a sister." I stated sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.
"My god, Bobal. You really need to change that attitude." Bosip shook his head
"Well, why don't you try and make me, shark face?" I teased as I smirked
Bosip stood there as he got embarrassed. "Sh-shut up." He looked away as he crossed his arms.
I laughed a bit.
They both headed to their rooms to clean up as I sat back down and I started watching the movie until Boder walked in as he smiled a bit.
"What is it?" I asked.
He replied in sign language "Amor's sister is almost here. Mini said."
"Wait, Mini went there with him?" I asked.
Boder nodded.
"And you want all of us to help clean up." I guessed.
He nodded again.
"A'ight then." I turned off the TV, then I started to get the broom and I started to sweep the floor.
Bofo made pizza while Bobot helped him clean the table and getting the dishes ready.
"So, any ideas on how Amor's sister looks like?" He asked.
"Not sure, actually. Maybe we'll find out once we meet her." Bofo replied as he looked at Bobot.
"I heard that she gets bullied at school for.. what Amor did." Bobot stated as he moved his bangs to his left ear.
"How so?" Bofo asked as he tilted his head
"Well, they would call her sister of the pedophile or they would also tell her that she deserves the same punishment as Amor."
"But that's all in the past. Why would they make a big deal out of it now?"
"I don't know. Maybe they were raised by a bunch of assholes that heard about Amor and they quickly judged him because of the whole scandal. Hopefully, she's ok, though."
"Yeah, me too."
Bowaev was done cleaning the windows as he laughed. "I can't wait to meet Amor's sister. Maybe she's also creative as him and maybe she made her own gang."
"Alright, alright. Let's just get it goin." I laughed a bit.
Mini opened the door. "Come on, Amor. You took this a bit too far. You didn't tell me that your sister needed that much suitcases." He sighed.
"Well, actually, that's a story for another time." Amor. He walked in as he chuckled nervously as he helped Mini with the suitcases. He looked behind himself. "It's ok, little sis. You won't be judged here."
The figure that he called "little sis" walked out of the car that the three of them were in.
"Come on. Don't be shy. This is your new home." Mini smiled.
He and Amor walked in.
"Alright, guys. We need a little help here, please." Amor smiled a bit.
"Gladly." Bowaev smiled as he walked over to them and he helped them with two of the suitcases
Bobot helped as well, then he looked at Amor's sister. "Oh, hey. You must be (y/n),right?"
(Y/n) nodded. "Y-yeah.. (Y/n) Altra, nice to meet you." She smiled a bit.
"You too. I've heard what have been going on with ya due to all the talkin' that Amor and Mini were havin' last night. Are you ok?"
(Y/n) nodded a bit. "I-it's complicated, to be honest. I-I honestly don't wanna talk about it."
What a crybaby..that's pathetic. I thought as I crossed my arms.
(Y/n) saw me. "Oh, that must be Bobal, right?" She asked Amor as she looked at him, then at me.
"Mhm. She's always tough on the outside. Not sure how she is on the inside. Maybe, she could be worse or maybe soft, not sure."
(Y/n) nodded a bit. "Oh, ok, then." She laughed a bit.
"Anyways, your room is upstairs next to Bob and Bosip's." Amor smiled
"They share a room?!"
"No." He laughed.
"I know, I'm joking, bro." She laughed as well.
Mini laughed, then he went to (y/n)'s room and he started to put the suitcases there.
Amor, Bowaev, and Bobot followed.
I looked at her as she was talking with Bofo
"So, I heard that you cook and that it's actually really good." She smiled
Bofo blushed a bit as he felt flattered. "O-oh, thanks, I supposed." He laughed a bit.
She giggled.
I was about to walk up to her until Boder gave her a cookie as a welcome present.
"Aw, that's so sweet. Thanks, Boder." She smiled
Boder nodded, then he hugged her with his four arms
"O-oh, I understand your name now." She giggled.
He smiled, then he walked away.
"Ok, sis. Your suitcases are all settled." Amor called out.
"Comin' bro!" (Y/n) smiled, then she started to head to her room.
Mini, Bobot, and Amor walked out as Bowaev was sitting on (y/n)'s bed.
"Oh, hey, Bowaev." (Y/n) laughed a bit as she saw him.
"Hey, (y/n)." He smiled.
"A'ight. Get out, I'm gonna go change now." She laughed.
"Ok." He smiled, then he left (y/n)'s room
(Y/N)'s POV
I sighed as I saw young Bowaev walk out of my room. I got my small suitcase and I held a knife that I had inside. I looked at it as I sighed, then I put it back inside. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I started to talk to myself. "Why did this happen?" I reached into my purse and I got my pills for my urge to cry. I took it as I said nothing. I started to undress myself to shower as I walked into the bathroom.
After the shower
I walked out and I started to dry myself as I said nothing. I looked at the faded scars on my arms. I sighed, then I started to change until I got my over-sized long-sleeved red and black striped shirt. I paused halfway and I saw Bobal staring at me as she had a slice of pizza and she blushes a little.
We looked at each other as we started to feel awkward.
"Uhh.." Bobal started. "Hey. (Y/n), pizza's ready." She laughed nervously.
"Oh, ok. I'll be out in a sec." I smiled a bit, then she left. I put my shirt on, then I walked out.
"Oh, hey, sis. You ok?" Amor asked.
I nodded. "Mhm. Just tired after a long flight here, y'know." I laughed a bit.
Mini put a plate of pizza next to him and Amor.
"Oh, thanks, Mini." I smiled a bit, then I sat down

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