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I looked at Bobot as he had tears rolling down his face. "Why are you crying?" I asked
He looked at me. He had a serious expression in his eyes, but he had tears rolling down his face.
"Why are you crying?" I asked again as I tried to wipe the tears off his face, but he held my wrist.
"Why would you do this to yourself, (y/n)? Because you deserved to be punished? Because you believe that they were right?" He asked
I sighed, then I shook my head. "You don't get it, do you?" I asked.
"Get what?" He asked as he led me to my bed and we both sat down.
"You know. Finally reaching your dreams with the artwork that you have, but then they took it away from you?" I asked.
He looked at me as he was confused. "Wait.. are you..? Mad at me..?" He asked.
I shook my head a bit. "No, no.. Brobot.. it's not like that. I just..." I looked down as tears rolled down my face. "I just wished the drama didn't happen. I wish I could tell myself that it was all a nightmare and that everything is okay and Amor still has his fame and that everyone still loves the mod.. but I can't.. I can't Brobot." I admitted. "I keep on replaying the incident in my head and I keep thinking on the different out comes of.. what would have happened if I told Amor to not do what he did or what if I stopped him from overworking the other developers, causing them to starve themselves and almost killing themselves? Or? Or?"
He cut me off and he put a hand on my cheek, stroking it with his thumb. "Hey... Hey... It's all in the past now.. he changed, right? He's still working on the mod." He reassured me as he smiled a bit under his mask.
"Yeah.. yeah.. I guess you're right.." I nodded a bit.
"And look, you're not the only one that suffered from the outcomes. Boder had to always be overprotective of Bowaev being around Amor because of the incident." He pointed out.
I nodded a bit. "but everyone else was right. I do deserve to have the same punishment as him. I deserve to be bullied and harassed for being his sister and co-director of the mod."
He pulled me into a hug and he didn't let go. "There, there.. it's ok.." he stroked my hair. "You know you can always talk to me even if I don't get it or understand, right? I'll always have your back, y'know that?"
I nodded a bit. "Thanks, Brobot. You're the best." I smiled a bit.
He smiled back under his mask, then he got off my bed and he started to head out to the living room.
Amor walked in, then he saw my arms wrapped in bandages. "(Y/n), no." He covered his face as he shook his head. "I knew there was something you weren't telling me."
"Why should I tell you? After all, you are a predator, right?!" I shouted as more tears rolled down my face. "You will never change. Everyone was right about you, but I told them, 'I know he gives off child-predator vibes, but he's really just confused about what to draw.' I'm fucking sick of it!! Always having to fucking lie to take care of you, your reaction after the drama, all of it!!" I stood up, then I walked 3 feet up to him, maintaining my distance away and I gave him my death stare as I glared at him. "I wish you were dead and nobody knew about you.." I growled a bit, then I walked past him, bumping him by the shoulder, and I headed downstairs.
I stood there, shocked at what she told me.
My own sister threatened me.
I shook my head as I looked down.
Have I done something wrong? Is she still bothered about what happened? Are people still bullying her after what happened?
Those thoughts ran around my head as I started to freak out a bit and I started to worry about her.
I was lying down on the couch upside down as I was looking at the ceiling, then I saw Bofo standing over me. "Oh, hey, uncle Bofo.." I smiled a bit.
"Hey.. is everything ok between you and Amor? I heard yelling."
I sighed, then I sat up and I shook my head. "I didn't mean to yell at him like that."
He sat down next to me. "I know. That's how siblings are sometimes, you know. They fight, then they make up by talking and apologizing."
I nodded a bit. "Yeah, I guess you're right.. you don't think he's still mad at me after what I said, right?" I started to feel bad after screaming at him, then threatening him that I wished he was dead.
"I hope not. Go talk to him. He is your brother after all. He's the one that stood up for you all his life." He pointed out.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." I nodded a bit, then I started to walk to Amor's room. I knocked on the door. "Amor? You in there?"
The door opened, then I saw half of his face as the door covered the other half of it.
"Hey, (y/n)..." He started as he looked down.
"Hey, can I come in?" I asked.
He nodded. "Sure, go ahead." He fully opened the door.
I walked in.
"Look, I just wanna-" We both talked at the same time. "Oh, sorry. You go first."
"Look, I just wanna apologize for what I said. It wasn't right of me to yell at you." I apologized.
He pulled me into a hug. "It's ok. I understand your frustration towards me after what happened. I just felt hurt that you would let your anger out at me." He sighed as tears rolled down his face. "I also wish it didn't happened because it separated us, y'know? You feeling confused about who to believe and me feeling lost and full of regret about what I did. You have every right to be mad at me. I didn't only hurt you, but I also hurt the developers after what happened. Now, they don't believe me or even accept my apology for what happened and I'm scared that it happened the same to you.."
I hugged back as I stroked his hair. "Gamie, Gamie.. it's ok. I'm sorry for shouting at you for what you did." I sighed a bit, then I shook my head. "Dance, dance revolution?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Bloody Mary?"
"Hell yeah.."
"Come on, where's the excitement?" I teased.
"Shut up. I'm still mad at you."
"Just kidding." He laughed. "Hell yeah!"
We both laughed, then we started to race each other downstairs.
I got the level ready on DDR and we started to play the level as the others watched.
We continued playing the level as we laughed.
I smiled a bit as I watched Amor and (y/n) playing Dance dance Revolution together. Like old times for the both of them. I thought as I chuckled a bit.

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