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TW: implies mention of self-harm and intentions of self-harm
(A/N: sorry if this turned into angst.. hope you enjoy.)
Bobal's POV
I kept talking to myself as I was serving myself some pancakes until Bobot put a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, you ok..?" He asked as his dark red eye look at me.
I nodded a bit as my face was deep red. "M-mhm!!" I tried to cover my face, but he held my hands.
"What's up? Why are you acting weird around (y/n)?" He asked.
"I don't know!! I don't fucking know." I admitted as I shook my head. "I don't know what I'm feelin' right now! I mean.. I... I just don't know." I looked down to avoid eye contact with him, but with one hand, he tilted my chin up, making me look at him.
"Bobal.. answer me this." He started in a calm, firm voice.
I looked at him as my face was still deep red.
"Do you like (y/n)..?" He asked.
I stood there as I said nothing.
Thump, thump, thump...
My heart started to beat fucking fast as I stood there, not saying a word.
"Just answer the question.. do you like her..?" He asked again
I was about to answer, but Bowaev's laughter rang in.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! STOP, (Y/N)!!!" He laughed as he ran downstairs with (y/n) behind him, holding a pillow.
"I'm comin' to getcha!!!" (Y/n) laughed as she chased him around the house.
"AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!" They both laughed as they kept running around the house.
"Alright, you two. Knock it o-"Bosip got cut off as (y/n) threw him a pillow.
"... You motherfucker.." He chuckled, then he got a couch cushion and he hit (y/n) with it.
"You fucking bastard!" (Y/n) laughed, then she hit him back.
Bowaev laughed, then he hit Bobot with the pillow.
Bobot laughed silently, then he hit Bowaev with another couch cushion.
They all continued hitting each other with pillows until Mini walked in with Amor and Ash.
"What the fuck..?" He mumbled as he watched.
"Sorry, toony. Wavie here decided to get a little wild." (Y/n) laughed a bit as she hit Bowaev, then Bosip with the pillow.
I laughed a bit, then I sighed a bit.
(Y/n) hit me as she giggled a bit.
I chuckled, then I got a pillow cushion. "You motherfucker.." I whispered, then I hit her with it.
She giggled. "Bobal, stop! Hehehehe!"
"No, you did this to yourself." I teased then I kept hitting her with the cushion.
She tackled me with a hug as she giggled, then she started to tickle me.
"AH HAHAHAHA (Y/N)!!! YOU CAN'T JUST TICKLE ME!!" I laughed, then I started cackling from laughing too hard.
(Y/n) giggled as she kept tickling me. "Yes, I can." She smiled. She kept tickling me.
"Alright, lovebirds. Knock it off, it's almost dinner." Bob teased as he walked to the couch and he fixed the cushions.
I blushed deeply in embarrassment. "Shut up, cube face!!"
(Y/n) giggled. "Oh, sure. I would gladly date an ager-issued bitch like you." She stated sarcastically.
I stood there as I said nothing. "..." I put the cushion back on the couch and I started to head to my room as I said nothing.
"No, Bobal. Wait. I didn't mean it like that!" (Y/n) called out. She glared at Bob. "My god. I hate you so much, cube face!!! I hate all of you!!!!!" She ran to her room as well and she slammed the door to her room shut, locking it.
I was lying in bed as I had my face covered with my pillow and I was looking at the head board. I didn't mean that, Bobal.. I thought as tears rolled down my face, then I felt more hurt as I remembered what everyone said about me being Amor's little sister. I silently cried, then I looked at my bag and I got up. I walked up to it and I opened it. I got the knife out of it, then I rolled my sleeves up and I looked at the scars on my arms. I felt more tears rolling down my face, then I started to make more scars on my wrists as I silently cried and I dropped the knife as more blood was dripping from my arms. I held my head as I covered my ears and I held my urge to scream in pain and agony as I was still hurting.
There was a knock on the door.
"(Y/n)? You in there?" Bobot.
I didn't answer.
He sighed, then he knocked again. "Come on, (y/n).. you can't keep hiding in here forever.. just come out.. I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt Bobal like that.."
I looked down as I shook my head, then I heard him put his back against the door as he sat down in front of it.
"If you don't wanna come out, then at least let's talk to each other behind the door, kiddo." He offered.
I smiles a bit as I wiped my eyes. "Yea.. I guess I really needed someone to talk to, but I just didn't find the right one.."
"Heh, you got that right, kid. So, why did it happened?"
"What do you mean?" I was confused.
"Y'know. People harassing you for being Amor's sister for what happened. Why did that happened?"
"I don't know. I don't know.." I replied as I walked to my drawer and I opened it. I got out a roll of bandage and I started to wrap it around my arms over the scars. "I mean, I thought it would just pass by, but it turns out that I was wrong, Brobot.." I sighed as I sat back down in front of the door.
He heard a small crack in my voice. "(Y/n).. is everything ok? I feel like you are bottling up your emotions and you are having trouble talking about it. Is everything ok? I want the truth.. only the truth.."
I sighed again, then I hugged my knees. I shook my head. "I-I just want a hug.. but at the same time, I just want to be alone because I might end up hurting those I love.. y'know?" I admitted.
Bobot sighed. "You know I can't hug you if you don't open the door, right..?" He teased as he chuckled a bit.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." I laughed a bit, then I opened the door.
He came in and he saw bandages around my arms. "What did you do..?" He asked as his dark red eye looked at me. "I want the whole truth.. why are your arms wrapped in bandages..?"
I stood there as I was shaking a bit. I didn't know what to tell him about what I did to my arms.
"(Y/n), answer the question.. what did you do?" He started to sound serious.
I still didn't answer. "..."
He started to unwrap the bandages slowly and steadily. He saw them. He dropped the bandages and he saw my arms covered in scars. "..." He didn't know what to say. "What... Have... You... Done..?" He asked.
"I did the right thing.." I replied.
"No, no, no, no. This isn't right. This is madness, (y/n).. why? Why would you do this?" He asked as he struggled to hold his urge to cry and he looked down. "Answer me this..." He sighed a bit. "Do you hate yourself..?"

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