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(Y/n)'s POV
I was eating pizza as I smiled a bit with the gang until Bobal spoke.
"So, how's your school over there?" She asked.
I sat there silently. I didn't answer as I didn't feel comfortable talking about my school life.
"(Y/n)? How's your school?" Bobal asked.
"I don't wanna talk about it. Not now, not ever." I glared at her.
She scoffed. "You really don't wanna be that crybaby that they made fun of in middle school? That's pathetic, (y/n) and you know that."
I sighed a bit. "Alright, then. Call it however you want, but I don't care. I just don't want to go through the same thing that Amor went through after the drama." I admitted as I crossed my arms. "School after school, it's the same, ok? It's the same results when I arrive to a different school." I sighed as I lost my appetite for more pizza, then I went to my room and I closed the door, locking it.
Amor's pov
"You just had to go ahead and do that. Making (y/n) uncomfortable, but not showing it. Great job, Bobal. Fucking great job." I shook my head
"Hey, it's not my fault that she's your sister and she's a victim of harassment after the incident." Bobal replied.
Bofo sprayed her.
She growled. "What the fuck?!" She exclaimed as she got mad
"Don't say that ever again." I stated. "Don't mention the incident or the fact that she's victim of harassment."
"What?! It's true. If the drama never happened, then she wouldn't have been silently suffering in her room or a victim of violent harassment! She could have lived a normal life with the fame that you and her shared after making the mod, but you had to go ahead and ruin that."
Mini's pov
I sighed as I said nothing, then I started to head to (y/n)'s room to check if she was ok. I knocked on the door. "(Y/n)? You ok?" I asked.
No answer, but she opened the door.
"Oh, hey Mini.." She smiled a bit, then she let me into her room.
"Hey.. sorry for what Bobal said." I apologized.
"No, no..it's ok." She smiled. "It's just what I expected. I knew that she wouldn't trust me since I'm Amor's sister. I knew she would go ahead and ask me about my school life in college. If I'm being honest, it's going pretty good.. only if my teacher didn't stop me from drawing the BNB gang."
"What do you mean?" I asked as I tilted my head.
"I mean, I just wanna keep drawing the BNB gang, but my teacher stopped me and she grabbed my project with them, then she started to rip it in front of the whole class. There just couldn't be one normal day where I can just draw my brother's characters without being judged, then called a freak." She sighed
I felt that I understood how she felt as I said nothing. I didn't know that the drama happened and I blamed myself for that because I was what Amor would draw in challenges, then there was one time that he drew me in a maid dress because of the EX event and he thought it would be funny to add me with that maid dress into the EX event. I was about to tell her, but I stopped myself as I didn't want her to feel more uncomfortable about the drama. I remembered something. "Did you know your brother putting a lot of stress on the co-modders?" I asked.
She nodded. "Y-yeah, that almost one of them had to starve themselves to get it done, almost killing himself."
"C.J, right?" I asked.
"I think yeah." She nodded, then she looked at the letter that Amor gave her before she went to college. She smiled, then she put it in her pocket. "But I hope that C.J is doing alright. Man, he was in a really bad state, that he almost died."
I nodded. "Yeah, poor C.J..But hey, at least Amor changed and now he's back drawing the usual BNB gang and working on the second week of the mod." I smiled.
(Y/n) giggled. "Yeah, you're right, Mini."
We kept talking and laughing until Amor walked in with Bobal. "Hey, sis, I brought someone that would like to apologize."
Bobal growled a bit, then she crossed her arms. "I-I-.." She sighed. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable at the dinner table." She looked away as she growled a bit.
(Y/n) giggled a bit. "It's alright. Don't sweat it."
They left as they talked and laughed.
I smiled as I followed.
After we arrived to the living room, Bowaev was playing a rhythm based videogame with Boder as he smiled and Bobot was helping Bofo wash the dishes as they talked. Bob and Bosip were playing Minecraft again.
Bowaev looked at (y/n). "Hey, (y/n)! Wanna try?" He asked as he smiled. "It's my favorite: Dance, Dance Revolution."
"I don't know, Bowaev. I haven't played video games in a while since the drama. Maybe I don't feel like it." (Y/n) looked away as she held her arm.
"Please? It can take your mind off it and calm down your nerves! It works for me! Just give it a try!" He insisted.
(Y/n) laughed a bit. "Ok, ok. I'll try it."
"Yay!" Bowaev giggled as he smiled. He got the game ready. "Let's try Bloody Mary."
"Bloody what now?" (Y/n) asked.
"Bloody Mary. It's quite popular right now." Bowaev giggled as he got the Bloody Mary level ready.
"Alright, then, I guess." (Y/n) giggled.
Bowaev's POV
I got the level ready as I laughed a bit. "Ok. Ready?" I asked as I looked at her.
"Ready when you are." She replied.
We got on the mats as the level started.
"This is more of a duel dancing, tango style, y'know." I clarified as I laughed a bit.
"Just now?! Just now, you're telling me this?!" She laughed.
"Eh, you'll love this." I smiled.
The level started as the song started playing.
(Y/n) started the dance as she danced along with the figure on the screen.
I followed along as I smiled.
The others came in and they watched the dance level that (y/n) and I were doing.
Bobot recorded us as he said nothing.
(Y/n) and I kept dancing while the others watched.
Bobal started to blush as she watched (y/n) dancing
Bobal's POV
I looked at (y/n) as she danced with Bowaev.
She looked beautiful with the long sleeves and baggy clothing she was wearing while dancing.
"Bobal, it's your turn!" Bowaev smiled.
"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed.
"I put the level to freestyle, so that means that everyone can join!" He laughed a bit.

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