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I stood there as I was confused about what was going on. I didn't know what was going on with Bobal or why she's acting like this towards me when she hated me since day one. "Bobal, let go. I have to go now." I pulled my arm away, then I headed out. I walked out of my room, then downstairs.
I growled a bit in frustration as I saw (y/n) leave. I kicked the night stand next to her bed, then I punched the wall with full force, causing it to have a hole.
Bobot hugged me from behind. "There, Bobal calm down."
"NO! SHE WAS LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE THAT MADE ME HAPPY!!" I exclaimed as tears rolled down my face.
My hair started to grow longer as I was getting mad and more tears rolled down my face.
He said nothing as he was worried about me. "I get it. I'm also mad that she left."
"Well, guess what? You just don't care. Just like always, you have trouble showing what you are feeling. That's why you always have that serious expression on your face or you just didn't warm up to her like I did."
He sighed, then he let go. "Maybe you're right.. and I'm sorry if I didn't." He shook his head.
Bowaev walked in. "Where's (y/n)?" He asked.
"She had to leave, kid. I'm sorry." I apologized as I started to calm down.
"But she'll come back, right? She will come back right?" He asked.
"Hopefully." I shook my head a bit.
We went to the living room as we said nothing.
Once I arrived to my aunt's house, I saw her smiling as soon as she saw me.
"Hello, my niece." She laughed as she was happy to see me away from Amor.
"Hey, auntie. How's it going?" I let out a nervous chuckle.
"Pretty good. I'm just glad that you're away from your brother to spend time with your favorite auntie." She smiled as she stroked my cheek.
I smiled a bit, but I looked down as my eyes turned dull. "Yeah.. woohoo.." I let out a faint laughter.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Hm?" I looked at her as my eyes glew with my usual (e/c) color. "Yeah. I'm also excited to spend time with ya." I chuckled nervously.
We both walked inside as we talked and laughed.
"So, how's it going? How's uncle?" I asked.
"He's good. He's just out with your cousins right now." She smiled.
"That's cool." I giggled a bit.
We kept talking and laughing as she helped me unpack my stuff.
She noticed that I went silent for a while when she was talking. "Something wrong?"
"Nothing I'm just tired." I replied. "Why?"
"You've been short on me while we were talking. Did- did I do something wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm just tired." I lied.
"(Y/n) Altra, what's wrong? Tell me the truth." She started to sound annoyed, but firm.
"I just miss someone, okay?" I replied.
"Who do you miss?"
"Amor. I miss him, okay? I know he wasn't the best brother, but at least he was there when I need him, okay?" I admitted, then I shook my head. "Why can't you and my parents understand that? I mean sure, he didn't turn into what they wanted, but at least he understood me when they didn't."
She looked at me, shocked. "Why would you miss him? He's manipulated you again, like always. You just don't get it, don't you?" She held my hands. "He was manipulating you when the incident happened."
I shook my head. "No, no. Auntie, you don't get it. He never manipulated me. You and my parents did. Just get out and leave me alone."
"(Y/n)?" She shook a bit.
"JUST GO!!!" I screamed.
She nodded, then she left.
I curled up into a ball and I hugged my knees, then I started to cry silently. Why don't they get it?
It has been a few days since (y/n) left and I felt empty without her. I didn't know what to do.
Should I go back to how I was before I met her? Should I remain the same after meeting her?
Those thoughts roamed around my head as I looked at the ceiling and I said nothing.
Dammit, (y/n). You fucking dumbass. Why did you have to go? Why did your aunt made you leave? Cause she didn't trust Amor?
I sighed, then I looked at my hand, then I kissed my palm as I imagined it was (y/n)'s cheek, then I covered my eyes with my arm. Bitch... Why? I thought as I silently cried. Why did she make you do this? Why did she make you go to live her? I was starting to open more as I cried a bit louder, hugging my plush tightly and I purred as I kept hugging it, imagining it was (y/n). "Please, come back." I mumbled as I looked at my pillow.
Knock knock knock
"Bobal?" Bosip.
I sniffled a bit as I wiped my eye. "What the fuck do you want, shark face?"
"Were you crying?" He asked
"N-no." I replied, then I choked a bit from holding my urge to cry.
"What was that?" He asked.
"Nothing. I didn't drink water for 5 days." I lied, then I choked again.
"Come on. Open up." He knocked on the door.
I started to cough a bit, then I saw a bit of blood dripping from my mouth. Fuck.. what's going on? I thought as I covered mouth, shocked.
He opened the door, then he saw me with my back turned to him and on my knees. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"N-nothin'.. I'll be fine." I coughed again, then more blood dripped from my mouth.
He saw the blood on the floor. "What the fuck?!" He exclaimed, then he rushed over to me, then he knelt down. "Bobal? Bobal, what happened? What the fuck is going on with you?" He held me by my shoulders and he shook me a bit. "Answer me!"
I didn't answer as I still had my hand over my mouth, then I put a hand on his shoulder. "Get Amor.."I mumbled as flower petals came out of my mouth.
"What?" He struggled a bit to hear me.
He nodded, then he ran out to get Amor.
I kept coughing, then I wiped the blood from my mouth. I started to struggle getting up. I held onto the bed board, then I started to have trouble breathing as I felt my throat getting all tied in knots. Dammit... What's going on with me? Why blood and petals? I thought as I held my head, getting a headache. Why is it getting hard to breathe? Shit.. dammit.. I looked down, then I looked at my hand as it was covered in blood. I can't breathe. I feel like I'm fucking drowning. I thought as I was still struggling to breathe.
Amor and Bosip rushed in.
"Shit. What happened?" Amor asked. "Did she get stabbed?"
"No, that's the weird part. She doesn't have any stab wounds." Bosip stated.
I looked at them as more blood dripped from my mouth.
"Bobal, what happened?" Amor asked.
"I don't know. It just happened while I was laying in bed and I was hugging my pillow." I replied.
They looked at each other, then at me. They got worried.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I shook my head as I covered my mouth with more blood dripping. "I just want (y/n) to come back.."

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