Memory #2

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"Hey, have you heard about the Bob and Bosip mod?" One student asked as (y/n) was eating her slice of pizza as her lunch.
She nodded. "Yeah. What about it?" She asked.
"I heard that the creator drew porn of minors and that caused the mod to get taken down." They replied. "Man, I bet his sister is upset right now." They chuckled as they grabbed a slice and they ate it.
"What do you mean by that?"
"My god, you really gotta check Twitter or insta more often. That'll tell you the shit goin down with him."
"What the fuck?" (Y/n) exclaimed as she got a message from Twitter. She clicked on it and she saw a notification.
Man, I can't believe Amor will manipulate his own sister to agree to doing this mod with him. I bet she's upset about this. Haha! I'm glad I'm not related to a pedophile like him😌✋
Another message
Haha! Yeah, me too. That poor unfortunate soul. I hope she joins him in hell since they are siblings. I wonder if she let him draw that shit. 😝
It turned into a conversation between them.
Yeah, she must have been a big pussy for letting him do whatever the fuck he wants since he is the oldest, but she's most mature, probably more than him 😂
No shit. Imagine, being a sister or even related to a pedophile like him. I would have killed myself if I was even related to him😂
Bro!!! Same🤣
But still she deserves to be punished like him. Should we go to her page and tell her that?! That would be so funny XD
Hell yeah!!! Let's fucking go!!!
(Y/n) got worried.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Her friend asked
"N-nothin'. I'll be fine. I just need some space." She replied, then she got her stuff and she started to head back to campus as she started to walk through the hallway and into her dorm. She started to breathe heavily as soon as she curled up into a ball and she hugged her knees. She shook a bit.
Her phone rang.
"H-hello?" She answered.
"(Y/n)?" Amor.
"A-amor.. hey.. not a good time right now." She stated
"Oh no.. you got it again?"
"Mhm.. what did you do?" She asked. "What did you do to trigger me like that?" She asked as her voice was all shaky.
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"Everyone at college is calling you a pedophile. What the fuck did you do?" She asked again
Amor sighed. "I'll tell you when you get back."
"Amor, please answer the question. I'm getting worried."
"Okay, okay. I drew hentai of a minor without their permission."
"Who was it?"
"A-amor, who was that minor?"
She dropped her phone as she was shocked.
"Hello? (Y/n)? (Y/n), you there?" Amor asked as he got worried.
No answer.
"(Y/n)? You okay?"
She picked up her phone as she was shaking violently. "D-d-delete it.. n-n-n-now.."
"Delete it. Delete it before the mod gets cancelled. Amor, why?"
"Fine I will."
(Y/n) sighed.
Y o u d i d i t a g a i n, d i d n t y o u?

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