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I laughed a bit as we were all watching Amor and (y/n) playing a level of Dance, dance Revolution.
"No, dammit!" Amor laughed, then he picked (y/n) up. "You little cheater!" He laughed as he spun around with her in his arms.
"Gamie, stop. Put me down!" (Y/n) giggled as she struggled to get out of his grasp.
He laughed, then he put her down.
They laughed as they were done with the level, then (y/n) looked at me.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that, bro."
I shrugged a bit. "It's ok, don't sweat it." I smiled.
She giggled. "Oki, if you say so."
I chuckled a bit until Ash threw a pillow at me.
"Pillow fight!!!" They screamed.
"Hell yeah!!!" (Y/n) laughed a bit, then she threw one at him, then at me.
We continued to have a pillow fight until I felt (y/n) pick me up.
I blushed deeply.
"You're so fucking light." She giggled.
"Put me down!" I exclaimed, but she refused.
"No, you're adorable." She giggled again.
I chuckled, then I tickled her, causing her to drop me on top of the couch cushion.
She tackled me again and she started tickling me.
I laughed so much that I started to cackle again. "No, no, please. Stop!"
"No." She giggled as she kept tickling me.
We started to roll around the floor as we laughed.
"Oh shit!" Bob laughed as he watched.
(Y/n) and I were still lying on the floor as we laughed until I got up.
I looked at her. "Wanna practice sparring one day?"
"I'm down." She giggled.
"Great!" I smiled a bit.
Bofo chuckled a bit as he had the pizza ready on the table.
After dinner
I was passing by the hall to my room until I heard the door to Bobot's room open, then I saw (y/n) walk out.
"Oh, hey. Bobal.. what's up?" She asked.
"What were you doing in there?" I asked.
"Oh, you know. Just visiting a comfort buddy." She giggled a bit.
I chuckled. "Yeah, yeah." I teased.
We kept talking in the hallway as  we walked around until we arrived to (y/n)'s room.
"Well, looks like I have to head to to bed now." She giggled.
I nodded a bit.  "Yeah, I guess."
We held hands and we started to part ways, saying good night to each other.
I smiled as I blushed a bit, heading to my room. I walked in, then I laid in bed and I looked at the ceiling. I smiled a bit, then I started to blush a bit.
I woke up as I stretched a bit.
Bowaev came in running to my room as he giggled. "Hi, (y/n)!"
"Hm? Hey." I yawned a bit as I rubbed my eye. "What time is it?" I asked.
"10:56 am."
"What?" I looked at my watch and I saw the time. I sat up and I got out of bed.
"Come on! Come on! We have a surprise for ya!" He led me to the living room.
"Woah, woah, kid. Careful." I laughed a bit.
We got to the living room and the others were in the kitchen as they were eating pancakes.
"Where's the surprise?" I asked.
Bowaev giggled then he led me to the kitchen.
Bofo put a plate of pancakes in front of me.
They had honey with whipped cream and a cherry on top.
I smiled a bit. "What's this for?"
"Well, I told the gang the truth and how I tried to apologize for what happened, so they decided to do this to help you cheer up." Amor replied as he scratched his hair a bit.
I laughed a bit, then I ate them as I enjoyed them. "Mm." I smiled a bit.
The others laughed as they watched my reaction.
I was done eating them and I looked at them. "What?"
They didn't answer as they shook their heads and they chuckled a bit.
I enjoyed watching (y/n) smile with that adorable expression on her face.
"What?" She asked.
I shook my head as I laughed a bit. "Nothing!" I chuckled a bit.
"Okay, then."
"Let's go play outside!!" Bowaev exclaimed as he giggled.
"Hell yeah!" (Y/n) smiled again as she got up .
They started to race each other to the front yard.
"Oh, no you don't!!" Bob exclaimed as he ran behind them.
The three of them were racing towards the front yard until (y/n) ran out first.
"Haha!" She teased.
Bob chuckled, then he tackled her to the ground.
(Y/n) and I started to roll around the grass as we laughed. We kept laughing until we stopped rolling and I helped her up.
She started to play with my hair as she had her arm around my neck and with her other hand, she started to play with my hair.
"HAHAHA! AHHH!" I laughed as I screamed a bit. "Stop!! Stop!" I kept laughing.
She giggled as she played with my hair and she shook her head.
I kept laughing until Bowaev tackled us to the ground.
"Dog pile!!" He giggled.
The three of us laughed as we were on top of (y/n)
Bobal laughed a bit as she watched.
We kept playing outside until it started to rain.
Boder did sign language for us to come back inside.
"Aw... Okay, dad.." (Y/n) crossed her arms and she pouted playfully.
"There's hot chocolate!" Amor called out.
The three of us started to race each other inside.
"I'll get the first mug!" I exclaimed.
"No, you don't!!" (Y/n) giggled as she ran behind me.
Bowaev giggled as he appeared out of nowhere and he had the first mug as he was on top of the table.
We all laughed.
(Y/n) and I got the next two mugs of hot chocolate and we did cheers, but Boder put marshmallows in them.
After everyone was served hot chocolate, we started to watch a movie as we sat down on the couch.
"Hey, Bobot, little help here?" Bobal asked as she waved her hand.
Bobot nodded a bit, then he walked over to her. "What's up?" He asked.
"Can you help me make this fortress?" I asked as I got blanket and pillows.
"Sure.." Bobot nodded, then he helped me make the fortress as he said nothing.
We kept making the fortress until Bobot finally spoke.
"Who is this for?" He asked.
I blushed a bit. "Me and (y/n).. but it's not what it looks like!" I exclaimed as I admitted.
"Oh, sure. Sister bonding time." Bobot teased.
"I'm fucking gender fluid."
"And I'm trans. I guess that makes us both even." Bobot chuckled under his mask.
"Bitch." I hit him with the pillow, then I put it in the fortress.
(Y/n) walked up to us. "Ooh, that looks pretty." She smiled.
"Thanks. Here, come in." I motioned a bit as I blushed.
She giggled, then she sat down next to me. "This is comfy."
"Yeah, Bobot and I made it." I smiled a bit
"That's cool." She giggled again, then we watched the movie.
While the movie was running, (y/n) yawned a bit, then she laid her head on my shoulder.
I blushes a bit as I purred. Stop, being so adorable. I thought as I smiled a bit, then I stroked her hair.

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